
Rakhi Parsai likes to stick by the mantra of 4Ws and 1H

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Rakhi Parsai

Having been a communication professional for over 10 years has helped Rakhi Parsai develop her storytelling skills into a forte.

With a wish to eventually foray into being an integrated marketing solutions provider, Rakhi Parsai currently helps bands in the digital space to create a voice and reach masses. Sticking her niche of parenting and lifestyle helps her stay focussed and consistent. She wishes to continue evolving as an influencer and a blogger on the journey forward.

Looking back, where did it all begin? 

It all began around four years back while I was still in a full-time job and juggling between office and work. Not being able to give much time to my daughter and having put her in daycare constantly put me in guilt. And thus, I wanted to do something which can help me with work-life balance and also help me do justice to my duty as a mother to my daughter. This is how it all began and I started with my website where I document my parenting journey and much more.

What’s in the name?

Life is a journey wherein we get to see many things good and bad. The genesis behind my blog is the fact that I like to observe and analyze the world that I live in. And thus, I love to give a different perspective to life through my eyes.

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

I try to stick to my niche which is parenting and lifestyle. Since I have been raised in a traditional manner wherein values got immense importance, I am raising my kids similarly and that is what I try to portray in my content. I do not rush behind doing everything but prefer doing specific things. This is a continuous process and I am also evolving learning and unlearning at the same time and doing things that help me find my footing.

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and? relatable?

I have been a communication professional for over 10 years, I have a strong background of keeping things to the point. Storytelling is one of my key fortes so I know the basics of it. Like 4W’s (What, Where, Why, Whom) and 1H (How). I try and stick to this mantra that I learnt way back in my post-graduation days and this is what helps me in making relevant and relatable content.

How do you make moolah with your efforts?

Being PR and Communications professional has helped me build a strong network that also comes in handy while trying to establish myself for paid collaborations. I work along with various brands for promotional activities both offline and online. This is what helps me feel motivated by making a decent earning for myself.

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

I prefer to prioritise brand requirements and proceed further. Most important for me is to understand the messaging a brand wishes to convey and accordingly I begin my work for each brand.

Also Read: Zainab marks sponsored posts with disclaimers for transparency

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

I started my blogging journey while I was working full time and I had got my first paid assignment and that was worth 10k. While it was way less than my regular salary but that was one moment which made me decide if I can get this amount at such a nascent stage then why not put efforts full time into this and try making a decent living while having a work-life balance. So this moment was a game-changer and made it all worthwhile. It’s been now over two years that I am full time into blogging and I enjoy the flexibility and satisfaction it gives me. I do get the intermittent pangs of not being in a corporate set up but I know it’s all worth it.

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

So far, it has been good and I haven’t received any such weird briefs.

If not blogging, you would be?

If not blogging, I would still be continuing with my corporate job

A day in your life...

A typical day in my life begins with sending my daughter off to school and packing husband for his office. After the basic house chores are done and I have managed my one-year-old son’s needs I sit with a hot piping cup of tea and plan my day ahead. I love to make a to-do list every day as it helps me in prioritizing the work and be able to finish tasks on time. Corporate job has made me all the more disciplined and I value deadlines hence delivering work on time is always my topmost priority. Every day I work for around 4-5 hours dedicatedly while balancing things for my kids and home. Given the fact that I am a work from home mom now, it has helped me in bringing proper work-life balance and also find contentment in my achievements so far.

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

As you said, it is a cluttered space. To find your footing, stay relevant, don’t run in the rat race. Try to understand what works best for you, what message you wish to convey via your work and how it is making a difference in your life. Money is indeed important for all of us but be careful of the kind of work you are doing and with whom you are dealing with. My top suggestion would take it slowly initially, observe the people and work around you and then tread carefully. Last but not least staying relevant, creating good and honest content should be your overall idea behind blogging.

Your Favorite Influencer

Blogging has changed a lot in the past few years but there are few people whom I admire and how their work has grown along with them. I genuinely like work of two such influencers — Prerna Sinha from Maaoffallblogs and Afsha Galar from beingmomtastic.

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

The robust communications background in my kitty I don’t see myself just as a blogger/influencer. I see myself as a digital media expert who works along with brands in digital space in creating a voice for them and helping them reach masses. I foresee myself foraying rigorously into integrated marketing solutions provider while I continue to evolve as an influencer and blogger.

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