
#Superwomen2020 Good work has taken over the bias of working with a man or a woman: Mala Mody

Social Samosa
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Superwomen 2020 Mala Mody

Donning the entrepreneurial hat, Superwomen 2020 winner, Mala Mody believes that hard work and perseverance are a must for reaching greater heights.

Mala Mody,  Founder & Business Head, AURAA has been heading the agency for 15 years now and takes pride in juggling home and work life with ease. Winning under the entrepreneur category, Social Samosa Superwomen 2020, Mala Mody, narrates her industry experience and reveals the superpower she would like to possess.

How would you define a Superwoman in today's day and age? 

I think a woman was super, is super, and will always be super in every way. From my grandmother’s generation to my mother’s, to mine, I think one thing that is common between all is – believing and standing by whatever we do.

One quality that you think every superwoman has and that helped you win Social Samosa Superwomen...


there are 2 qualities that it takes for every person, be it a Woman or a Man to

reach great heights – Hardwork and Perseverance. If one is determined to work

hard and dedicate themselves to the job, success follows.

How successful have women been in shattering the glass ceiling in the Media & Advertising field? Does the 'boardroom inequality' phrase still stand true? 

I believe good work has taken over the bias of working with a man or a woman, especially in metropolitan areas, where the majority of our clients are from. It is my belief that any organization we work with as well as our’s, look at whether an associate or a partner will be able to perform well, irrespective of whether it is being led by a male or a female. So, I think we have kind off walked passed the stage of ‘Boardroom inequality’

What are the key changes this industry needs in order to make workplaces gender-neutral, safe, and nurturing?   

The ad industry as such is quite open to seeing both men and women succeed. There is great comradery, and AURAA as an organization has more women than men working here. In terms of change, I believe, if we all working in this industry, stop playing the gender card completely and just concentrate on abilities and our own capabilities, will provide an opportunity for us to be the leaders, to showcase to the world, that we all grow & succeed when inequality doesn’t exist.

Also Read: #Superwomen2020 Equality isn’t a concept but something all should strive for: Poonam Prahlad

One Superpower you wish you had? 

If I had this wish, I’d want a

superpower to sway minds and wipe off the thought of gender inequality in men

as well as women. We were all born equal, and we should all have equal

opportunities in the world to do what we want.

The 'Superwomen' you diligently follow and who inspired you... 


Kapoor Khan. I love the way she has shaped her career, her personal life, her

motherhood, herself as an individual, everything. She really inspires me to do

good work with style.

One tip to women out there attempting to scale heights... 

To dissolve the

thought of gender inequality first, and if your hardworking, willing to give

your project your heart and soul, then there is no way that you cannot succeed.

Superwomen 2020 winner Mala Mody ssuperowmen 2020 winners Mala Mody auraa Mala Mody social samosa superwomen 2020 winners Auraa