Several drown in the pool of depression every year, but the World Suicide Prevention Day posts apprise us about how this leading cause of death can be curbed.
World Suicide Prevention Day is observed each year to promote worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides, and the brand posts bolster this initiative further with creative communications.
Suicide prevention is still not as prioritized as it should be around the world, and mental health continues to remain a stigma in the country, along with the lack of required number of mental health professionals.
Every year more than one lakh people die by suicide in our country. A total of 1,39,123 suicides were reported in 2019, with the rate of suicides (incidence of suicides per 1 lakh population) being 10.4, one of the highest in the world, according to ADSI 2019 Report. (The numbers may be underreported).
Maharastra had the highest percentage amongst states and Delhi amongst union territories. Maximum males dying by suicide are daily wage earners, and the maximum females are housewives.
Family problems, illness, love affairs, addictions, indebtedness, failure in examinations, career problems, unemployment, and property dispute, are a few of the reasons that most individuals die by suicide.
Discrimination and harassment faced by the LGBTQIA+ community is also a reason several from the community die by suicide.
Several mental health initiatives, non-profit organizations, foundations, and more have put across creative communication dedicated to the cause of preventing suicide.
Various posts share disheartening statistics, preventive measures one can take around individuals showing signs of suicidal behavior, and how such individuals can pull themselves out of the pool of depression.
Also Read: Suicide Prevention Campaigns that are offering a helping hand year after year
World Health Organization
View this post on InstagramA post shared by World Health Organization (@who) on
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Yuvaa (@weareyuvaa) on
Time to Change
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Time to Change (@timetochangecampaign) on
Manas Foundation
The Live Love Laugh Foundation
Change.org India
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Healthspring (@thehealthspring) on
Malini’s Girl Tribe
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Malini’s Girl Tribe♀️ (@malinisgirltribe) on
View this post on InstagramThere Is Hope ?? #worldsuicidepreventionday #suicideprevention #suicideawarness
A post shared by Mpower (@mpowerminds) on
Nut Lounge
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Nut Lounge (@nutlounge) on
If we have missed out on any creative World Suicide Prevention Day posts, write to us at content@socialsamosa.com or let us know in the comments below.