
Twitter tests warnings on liking Tweets that may contain misinformation

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Twitter misinformation

In an attempt to limit the engagement on Tweets that may contain misinformation, whenever a user tries to like such a Tweet, they will be shown a warning label by the platform.

Users would still be able to like the Tweet that may contain misinformation, but after they see the warning label by Twitter and the option to 'Find Out More'.

Twitter has had a controversial policy that lets Tweets from political leaders or important personalities that may contain misinformation or violate Twitter's rules stay on the platform, as they think users on the platform should have access to it, in the public interest.

For most reasons, this policy has been controversial for Tweets sent out by former US President Donald Trump. For instance, the one inciting violence during the protests against racial injustice.

During the presidential elections too, he sent out a series of Tweets containing misinformation and claimed false victory, which stayed on the platform but with labels.

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Presently, if you click on the label it directs you to the Twitter news tab, that contains a summary and overview of the topic, articles, and Tweets from various media publishing houses, and more.

But users will still be able to like the Tweet without seeing an additional prompt. With the new update being tested, engagement on the Tweet would also be limited (but not stopped), along with providing another source of information.

Twitter has recently been rolling out more of such features where they provide context to Tweets or prompt the user to be vigilant.

Such as the recently rolled out 'Read Before you Retweet' an article prompt. Pushing more users to know the information they're sharing and not just share them on the basis of the headline.

Screenshot Credits: Jane Manchun Wong

Social Media news warnings Twitter News misinformation Tweet like twitter updates Twitter tests