
Twitter users can now share a tweet directly on Snapchat

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Twitter Snapchat

With the new integration between Twitter and Snapchat, Twitter users can share Tweets directly to their Snapchat Stories with a few clicks.

The platforms have partnered to leverage overlapping users who have a presence on both apps- Snapchat & Twitter, and also give them a way to move away from screenshots and drive engagement from one place to the other.

The integration has been rolled out on iOS, with anticipation for Android. The functionality is available to Public accounts and not Protected Tweets. Twitter also mentions that they would be testing an option to share Tweets to Instagram Stories with a small group of users.

Users on iOS can tap the share icon on a Tweet, and then select the Snapchat icon in the share menu to create a sticker. The Snap will link back to the Tweet on Twitter where users can see the whole conversation and also interact with the Tweet.

Social media users are already familiar with the popularity of Tweets on most platforms aside from Twitter, given the number of screenshots of Tweets that surface on Instagram, Facebook, and more platforms, to the extent that certain Instagram Pages thrive on screenshots of Tweets.

This practice has not been fruitful for Twitter, as users get access to the Tweets without being on the platform, and the engagement doesn't reach the Tweet on Twitter, as it ideally should.

The microblogging platform has been well aware of this problem for a while and has taken a dig at platforms on several occasions, but had never addressed it with a solution.

The functionality would close this gap to a certain extent and expectantly incerase engagement on Twitter. We may also expect Twitter partnering with more platforms, and more of such integrations or functionalities, where users are able to embed a Tweet into a post.

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