
LinkedIn adds job titles to address employment gaps

Samriddhi Bisht
New Update
LinkedIn employment

The professional job network, LinkedIn added job titles like stay-at-home dad, stay-at-home mom, and stay-at-home parent to end stigma against employment gaps

Recently, LinkedIn released some latest updates on its platform to address people's concerns regarding the employment gap caused due to the pandemic. To address employment gaps, the job-seeking and professional network platform, LinkedIn added job titles like stay-at-home dad, stay-at-home mom, and stay-at-home parent. Members using these job titles will not even need to specify a company or an employer in the coming weeks. 

In near future, LinkedIn also plans to address the employment gaps with more such new fields that include parental leave, family care, and sabbatical on the platform. 

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An official statement by LinkedIn states, "We’ve heard from our members, particularly women and mothers who have temporarily stopped working, that they need more ways to reflect career gaps on their Profile due to parenting and other life responsibilities. To make it easier for moms and all parents, we’re making some important changes to the Profile. We introduced new job titles, including “stay-at-home mom,” “stay-at-home dad,” and “stay-at-home parent” to allow full-time parents and caretakers to more accurately display their roles."

These new tools introduced in the platform are an effort to creating an environment at LinkedIn that allows everyone to express themselves and their career journey in the ways they want to.

Linkedin features employment gaps Stay at home parent LinkedIn linkedin updates linkedin news