
Snapchat introduces My Places for recommendations in Snap Map

Paawan Sunam
Updated On
New Update
Snapchat Map

To enable exploration of businesses in the locality and discovery of popular places and events, Snapchat has launched a new dynamic recommendation feature in the Snap Map, called My Places.

The tab on Snapchat can be accessed by tapping the new Places button at the bottom of the Snap Map.

For the unacquainted, Snap Map is the virtual representation of Snapchat users and the real world. Users can spot their friends on the Snap Map (if the friends have chosen to keep their location visible).

Users can also view Snaps submitted to Snap Map from around the world by clicking on the highlighted sections of the heat map. Stories created around sporting events, celebrations, breaking news, special locations, or events can also be viewed through the Snap Map.

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With the addition of 'My Places' personalized recommendations on Snap Map for local eateries, restaurants, outlets, and all the 30 Mn businesses would now be accessible to all users, with suggestions informed by signals from friends and the global Snapchat community.

Along with sub-categories such as 'Popular, 'Favorites', and 'Visited' each recommendation would also include labels such as 'Popular with Friends' to indicate that friends may have frequently visited the place or a number of them have been there.

Snapchat will also be associating with The Infatuation, a restaurant recommendation website and messaging service, and Ticketmaster, a ticket sales and distribution company, for adding Layers to Snap Map and create streamlined ways to explore localities.

My Places SnapChat Snap recommendations map