
Social Throwback 2021: Josy Paul on campaigns that moved him...

Social Samosa
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Josy Paul

Advertising veteran, Josy Paul, shares his favourite campaigns from the year - campaigns that added a breath of fresh air to the industry and created an impact.

Come rain, shine, thunder, and even a pandemic - the creativity and spirit of creating, both flowed unhindered in the A&M industry. An increasing number of campaigns came in by the day. Campaigns released in the last year, have had to face particularly more challenges - be in the logistical ones created by the pandemic or the changing socio-political environment that made every topic or storyline a risk to talk about. Nonetheless, many campaigns came in and shined. Celebrated ad man, Josy Paul shares his favourite campaigns from 2021.

"I’ve picked work that moved me instantly when I first saw it. The freshness of thought and the originality were so appealing. It nudged me to look at the world like I had never seen before," Paul tells Social Samosa.

"It felt hugely relevant for our time and heart-mind space. A big salute to the makers, collaborators, and, most importantly, the clients and brand leaders who co-created this with love, truth, and belief. Thank you for infusing our world with new energy!"

Also Read: Social Throwback 2021: Running a sustainable brand – 3 marketing lessons from a CEO

Here's a look at his top picks...

Bhima Jewellery. Pure As Love

Facebook More Together - Rizwan

Tanishq - Marriage Conversations

WhatsApp Introducing View Once - Moving On


Thums Up - Olympics #PalatDe

Dove - #StopTheBeautyTest

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josy paul Social Media Campaigns social media campaigns india social media campaigns 2021 brand campaigns social media campaigns 2021 india josy paul campaigns brand campaigns india brand campaigns 2021