
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma show how toothsi aligners can fix teeth misalignment easily

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toothsi aligners

The campaign #EasyPeasyToothsi featuring Virat and Anushka aims to show how simple and convenient teeth alignment can be.

Teeth alignment can be a tedious process and not to mention the lack of reliable information on the options and processes available to address said issues. But fear not, for toothsi by makeO is here: the brand has launched a new campaign featuring celebrity couple Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma to help bring awareness about teeth misalignment issues. To be more specific, the focus of the campaign is the ease of addressing these issues with toothsi aligners.

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The witty campaign leverages the concept of online delivery, which allows people to have their favourite food delivered at their doorsteps in no time. The idea, then, is that tending to dental misalignment issues is quick and easy.

The adorable ’Gulab Jamun Uncle’, is blissfully eating when Virat and Anushka enter the house and explain to him and his grandchildren how one can address their teeth misalignment issues as quickly as ordering gulab jamun on a food app. They further describe how toothsi by makeO’s clear aligners are both simple to use and affordable.

The goal was to get toothsi to have a high recall value in terms of ease. So, you know which brand you’ll think of the next time you order food or medicines online.

“The talented duo Virat and Anushka personify youth and confidence with which our target audience can easily identify. Daring and fiercely talented Anushka and Virat, with their gorgeous and bold smiles, are the perfect fit for our brand. We believe together, we can take the brand to the next level and create awareness about new-age teeth straightening solutions,” said Dr. Arpi Mehta Shah, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), toothsi by makeO.

“toothsi has a disruptive offer in their product - ordering online from their app and getting teeth fixed at home. Since we were looking at influencing behavioural change here, the most important point the campaign had to drive was to get the audience to understand this disruptive offering. We decided to go single minded on delivering the idea of fixing your teeth at home is as easy as ordering from a food app or a pharmacy app and ride on the cache that has been created by some noticeable online brands to showcase the convenience of receiving a product or service right at your doorstep. We are delighted with the outcome.” said, Sajan Raj Kurup, Founder & Chairman of Creativeland Asia.

ad campaign toothsi Virat Kohli teeth aligners makeO #easypeasytoothsi