Advertisment brings Hari Sadu back in Facebook Game [ Olympics 2012]

Rakesh Kumar
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New Update brings Hari Sadu back in Facebook Game [ Olympics 2012]

Hari Sadu,'s fictional boss who every employee hates has now been gamified. With the Olympics wave overtaking everybody, has also jumped into the bandwagon and has come out of with its own Olympic-themed game where you get a chance to hit at Hari Sadu (imagining that he is your own boss).

Titled "The Big Clash - Hari Sadu vs You" the Facebook-only game involves 3 different games taken from Olympics:

  • Flex The Bow - Archery based game where you try to hit a revolving Hari Sadu.
  • Knock Him Out - Boxing game where you get the punch Hari Sadu in the face.
  • Pull The Trigger - Shoot Hari sadu while he tries to hide behind rocks.

The entire game is highly interactive with Hari Sadu coming up with witty lines every time you hit or miss. And yes, even you get to come up with great lines when you hit him.




The premise of the game is really simple, and I doubt it took much effort to come with the concept and visualization. But, the real winner here is the the way has capitalized on the "I Hate My Boss" feeling of an employee and provided a platform to engage with them in a fun way. And the witty lines are a great addition.

Also, since the game is entirely developed on HTML5, the gameplay is really smooth and doesn't hang/slow your computer like flash does.

You can also invite your friends to play the games and compete with you. But be careful, don't let the game post updates on your wall if you have added your boss as your friend. You don't want him to know that you're trying to shoot him in the head, right? html5 Hari Sadu facebook game