
3 Ways B2B Marketers Can Use Twitter to Boost Their Business

Dhwani Gandhi
New Update
3 Ways B2B Marketers Can Use Twitter to Boost Their Business

The ever-growing world of Twitter has unlocked opportunities for every type of user; everyone from emerging artists, celebrities, big brands, news sources, and B2B marketers can find a Twitter niche. Twitter allows your followers to see this information without the distraction of visits to your website or looking for it via search. It allows followers to stay up-to-date on what is interesting to them.

Of the B2B marketers, 87% of B2B marketers now spread their message through social media, according to a new report from the Content Marketing Institute (CMI).Over 56% of B2B marketers acquired new business partnerships through Social Media.

Twitter offers users the chance to share, connect, converse, link, view, follow, search, engage, and praise in 140 character tweets. It also gives you complete freedom to the followers to choose whose message they see.

B2B marketers, in particular, can use Twitter to attract prospects, interact and engage with clients, increase brand awareness, understand their audience, and more. This is a type of inbound marketing, allowing B2B companies to communicate with many people at a time, instead of one by one.

Here are some tips for how you, as a B2B marketer, can take full advantage of Twitter as a marketing tool:

1. Create engaging, Fresh and Relevant content:

Whatever you share, make sure that it’s so valuable to your readers that they want share it with their followers!

If someone leaves a comment on your content make sure to reply by thanking them or answering questions. Social media is all about engagement. If a Twitter follower re-tweets a link to your content, take a moment to thank them. Remember, they think your content is worth sharing with their followers!

Old news won't attract too many new followers and also won't keep the interest of the loyal readers.  Make sure to keep on top of what’s going on in your area of interest or business and be the first to broadcast breaking news to your followers!

Always make a point that the content is relevant to your industry and also refer to the current trends and news in the industry.

2. Use Promoted Tweets:

Promoted Tweets are ordinary Tweets purchased by advertisers who want to reach a wider group of users or to spark engagement among their existing followers – and they are an effective way to use Twitter for brand marketing.

Promoted Tweet is relevant to that user, in Promoted Trend search results, and other places. Though these tweets are clearly labeled as 'promoted', in every other respect, these Tweets are just like all the other 200 million tweets generated every day on Twitter; they can be retweeted, replied to, forwarded, and more.

If your goal is to drive users to your Web site, promoted tweets should be used to gain clicks by users who may not be following your brand but who are searching for it. The success of the promoted tweets platform will fully depend on how Twitter decides to implement the ads into user’s timelines.

3. Keep Track of the Conversion:

You need to have a robust conversion tracking mechanism that tracks the clicks as well leads coming from Twitter. With advanced Goal Tracking and custom tracking paths, you can figure out which tweets have sent you the most number of leads and how you can improve their performance.

It will also give you an idea about the psyche of your audience and help you refine your content strategy.

Make use of Conversion tracking tools, to know if your followers from the industry are actually converting into your prospective clients.

Featured Image By: Josh Semans

Social media Twitter Boost tweets B2B marketers