
How to be opportunistic on Twitter

Neil Dodhia
Updated On
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opportunity on twiiter

In India Twitter has more than 3 million users, a number which cannot be ignored. Twitter unlike other platforms has one the best searches and is an open platform.

opportunities on twitter

This gives brands an opportunity cash in on users. Follow these simple steps to know how to make the best use of Twitter:

1. Keywords is the Key to success:

Set keywords that people will use in their tweets which you think are opportunistic for you. For example: If you are eCommerce fashion brand make search for words like ‘Christmas Shopping’ or if you want to sell a specific stuff like a saree search for ‘Saree Shopping’.

Here are some good examples of what I call ‘opportunistic search’.

opportunities on twitter

2. Sell, don’t spam:

Be intellectually opportunistic don’t make your ID a spammer! Here’s how can avoid yourself from becoming a spammer:

  • Limit your ‘opportunistic tweets’ to 3-5 a day.
  • Time your ‘opportunistic tweets’ properly do generic tweets in between as well. This will make your time line (TL) look hygiene.
  • Don’t always write the same tweet to everyone. Each tweet should be different. Be unique!
3. Make Use of Free Tools:

There are number of free tools available online, make use of them. Here are some of the best tools:

  • Tweekdeck: Works perfectly fine for twitter, there is a Google Crome extension also available
  • Hootsuite: Its one of the most widely used tool online (Pepsi & McDonalds use hootsuite as well). Its an online tool visit
  • Socialoomph: Compared to Tweetdeck & Hootsuite Socialoomph is little complicated but it’s a good tool
4. Create a Database:

An organized database of all the activities is a must. Create an excel sheet where you can mention whom did you tweet, what did you tweet and when did you tweet. Also analyse who followed you, who replied back, was the reply positive or negative etc.  This will help in making this exercise more successful.

Keep in mind the above mentioned points and soon you’ll be cashing in using Twitter!

Twitter for lead generation Use of twitter Twitter tools Opportunity on twitter