
5 Types of Social Media Fans

Gurinder Batra
Updated On
New Update

Any company running a social media page for their brand will soon figure out that not all customers give their page the same response. To maximize the potential from each of these customers, the following groups will help you figure out what category your customers fall in and how to tackle with them.

1. The first kind of fans are the ones that read your content and updates but do not really take any initiative to interact with your page. These followers prove that although your content is being transmitted through out quite efficiently, you still have to create and build customer relations by interacting and getting customers to interact with you. Doing so will help in widespread recognition of your brand.

2. The second type of people who follow you are the ones who take great interest in your content as well as page. They are often seen liking and commenting on most of the posts. Such customers should be encouraged as they help in roping in more customers of a similar nature.To keep up their enthusiastic participation you can run contests and other engaging content. You can also give them their due recognition by promoting them and highlighting their interactions with you.

3. The third set of followers are the ones who are looking for discounts, sales and other promotional tools that you might put on your page. Put up contests specially for such social media users or let them know about your promotional packages and sales beforehand. Doing so will make them appreciate your page even more and make them regulars to your page as well.

4. The fourth group is the one that each business would like to minimize on their page. This group consists of people who result in the negative publicity of their page. The correct way to tackle these people is to respond to their complaints in a timely manner. Creating a solution to their problems quickly will ensure that they turn into reliable customers later on. Also most customers will highlight and appreciate the steps you took in listening to them and solving their complaints. Also a key feature to keep in mind while dealing with such customers is to not get into a controversy or any politically inappropriate comments. Keep it clean and solve it as fast as you can.

5. The fifth type of consumers are similar to a treasure trove. They are the ones who are not only interactive with the entire page but they actually worship the brand and make sure to follow up on every update, deal or contest there ever was. They are the main source of glowing recommendations and the building fan base for your brand. Keep them happy by giving them memebership benifits and other deals that make them feel exclusive and included in your brand loyalty circle.

If any business learns how to distinguish between the different types of customers and tackle with them it can make the most out of its social media page effectively.

Facebook types of fans social media fans