
How to Create an Effective Call-To-Action

Surabhi Nafdey
New Update
How to Create an Effective Call-To-Action

Why do you think people are on social media, obviously to connect with the world and stay in touch. Is this the sole purpose of Social Media? I believe there is more to social media than networking. Why are Bloggers using Social Media? To popularize their blog. But are they doing the right thing in the the right way? Or there are things that they may not know of and are not doing it effectively. Just posting your blog post updates on your social media profiles is not enough. There are many factors involved to get well established on social media while the competition is too high.


Call-to-Action works best whenever you have any news or really good updates to share. Like, if there is any upcoming event you are going to attend, your new E-book, a new series of Webinar or new blogging trend tips, what you need to figure out is what prospects should do when they glance at your post? Think as of being a reader of your own blog and search for tactics that can make your post more shareable and viral. Let’s go through some of those tactics -

1. Call-To-Action Terminology:

The first thing to be considered is asking yourself, are you using the correct terminology while updating your social media profile? After a deep study and analysis of usage pattern, special words have been discovered to be the call-to-action terms. They are ‘Comment’, ‘Like’, ‘Please RT’, ‘Retweet’, ‘Visit’, ‘Share’, ‘Please Help’, ‘Repin it’ and ‘Spread’, Buy, subscribe, register, download now,  These words when incorporated in an update, fetches more engagement. Ask for a reply if you  want to spark a conversation.

The below image shows how eHOW is asking to LIKE their status:


2.Convince The Users

While you are a regular blogger and really wish to make it popular, you need to think repeatedly about why should users do what you want them to do? How can you encourage them and generate a curiosity in them to wish to read your blog and why on social media?

Social Media is a viral platform to spread the word quickly and hence you need to post all kinds of offers and discounts on all social media grounds. It should be the way that people subscribe to your newsletter and news feeds by themselves. You can enrich your posts or tweets with incentives, discounts on your ebook or offer free ebooks, participate in quiz and win exclusive prizes etc.

  • E-commerce sites can use call to actions such as "add to cart" or add to "wish-list", "buy now."
  • "Download Now" entices readers to download ebooks
  • Call to actions such as "Free Trial" "Take a tour" might help you gain more leads and conversions.

3.Sense Of Urgency

This always works the best. You just need to post status that says, Hurry up guys, this is one time offer, get this ebook absolutely free but today, offer expires in 24 hours, Early bird discounts, limited seats, etc. and there you go.

Use numbers. They seem to be more attractive to the human eye. You can see that maximum downloads will happen during that 24 hours. Its simple, common, but still works and will always. Like in the image below, this blog is asking people to keep in touch with it’s posts though the web based software is about to shut down. While urgency is important, don’t mislead in any way.

call to action

4.Develop New Strategies By Measuring Results:

Definitely, trends change quickly on social media platforms and hence you continuously need to measure and monitor results of what’s working best for your blog, which call to action tactics are bringing more traffic through social media, etc. All you need to do is try and test those call-to-action strategies and check metrics like comments, likes, shares, CTRs, impressions, downloads etc. This will also help you to design new strategies to drive more traffic through social media.

Also Note That:

Too Much Promotion Kills. Are you an over doer? Don’t be. Promoting too much can kill your social value as a good Social Media Citizen/brand. Don’t post updatse just for the sake of it. Think of some great idea and find a great connection between your brand and great phrases, keep it short and then update.

So, don’t write too long phrases or sentences, just know that your message should be conveyed in lesser but interesting words like you are revealing something new, this will definitely lure readers to your blog.

So go ahead and convince your customers. They just need a gentle nudge. Add a time-based Incentive to take action and you will definitely see great results

social media tips call-to-action tips for bloggers call to action tips Blogging Bloggers