
Agency Spotlight – Tonic Media Case Study – How McDonalds Got More Than 10,000 Footfalls to its New Store

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Tonic Media Mcdonalds

This case study is published under our Agency Spotlight feature. The Agency under Spotlight for this month is Tonic Media. You can read about Tonic Media's core team members here.

Brand Name:

McDonald's India


McDonald's India Store Launch in Coimbatore.

Agency Name:

Tonic Media (won silver at IDMA 2013 for Best Social Media Campaign - Corporate).

McDonald's India decided to launch their first outlet in Coimbatore and their objective was to drive footfalls to the new restaurant. McDonald's has recognized the need to engage the local community, by using exciting promotions in order to uplift sales in the new city. This case study will take you through McDonald's India's journey to become the talk of the town with their Social Media Campaign!

It is common knowledge that people can't resist sharing secrets; this was the germinating seed for their campaign. The idea was to develop a secret code exclusively for only those Facebook fans who participated in a special activity. Users were told that those who received the code were privileged, and only those who had this code would be treated to free soft serve vouchers which could be redeemed on the day of the launch.

McDonald's worked with their social media agency Tonic Media, to create a buzz around this campaign, which was begun with the creation of irresistible teasers meant to build up anticipation.

In addition, they were asked to participate in a special contest, in the form of an application, titled 'Coming to Coimbatore.' Users had to choose their favourite line and display their excitement about the new McDonald's outlet in the city.

When a user participated, a customized message was published on their walls which made it possible to create a viral outcome. This way, many of them were generous enough to share the secret with their friends! Slowly but steadily, they turned into a strong community to engage with.

McDonald's cleverly got their message out long before the launch of the new store and the results it brought about were fantastic!

These exclusive deals drove a footfall of more than 10,000 within the first week of the launch itself. The application generated more than 1,38,312 impressions and there was a 250% increase in the number of fans.

The launch of McDonald's ended up becoming the latest big thing in the city, making it an event to remember!

McD Coimbatore case study


mcdonalds Case study Social media Facebook Contest food and beverage industry use social media coimbatore