
What are these so called "A - Listers" on Twitter?

Anaggh Desai
New Update
What are these so called "A - Listers" on Twitter?

"A Lister" a common term used in the media, PR, Corporate circles is for invites to be sent out but has different connotation at different times. But the main meaning would signify "A" person who, if accepting an invite, would ensure a lot of others would; or as a Speaker who would get people to attend etc.

Basically someone who is like a Pied Piper within the sphere of activity or sometimes even generic.

Over the past couple of months at different meetings (brand, friends, agencies and different people) this question kept being debated, given the fact that everyone wants to be the 'Digital/Social participant'.

I finally did, what I end up doing most these days - Asked the question on Twitter, repeatedly - received some interesting insights that I have storified and can be read here.

Surprisingly, people I expected to respond, did not till a couple of reminders/tag. And even then with the usual diplomatic/politically correct - Nos. of followers, reach, relevance yada yada. Social Media agency/PR/Events stalwarts or even youngsters - and I assure you that a lot of them interact, answer other queries - did not even bother to respond or share, probably thinking - Is it worth it? Does he know what a A List is? How dare a non agency person question us?

Some very ordinary tweeters (as defined by agency standards) provided quite relevant inputs but whether Agencies/Brands would listen is the main question? Some of the answers received from Social Media Agencies are quite surprising when one compares that to the actual work of the agency, but I guess that is how the business works :)

As a summary, people who responded are divided based on specific words to describe 'A Listers' as Followers - 30; Content/Relevance 20; Opinion Leader/Influencer 15; No Promotion/Commercial - 10; Approachable - 10; Gets RTd - 10; Weird Answers - 10. There are of course overlaps because of the responses covering more words/responding more times etc.

Comparison of some of these answers from Agency Gurus with actual thoughts should be the next post.....In the meantime keep reading and sharing your thoughts.

Featured Image:  JD Hancock

Twitter lists Listers on twitter Anaggh Desai