
[Video Interview] The Dynamics Of A Social Media Client & Agency Model

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The success of every business lies in the fact that they all put their customers first. Even if you are an expert in some field, you need to hear out and listen to your client and make him/her feel important. Running a Social Media Campaign on behalf of clients can be a challenging task sometimes. The agency has to be careful when dealing with this kind of a situation.

Mr. Sanjay Mehta, Co-founder, Social Wavelength on the video interview entitled, “The dynamics of a social media client & agency model” , talks about the client-agency relationship and how an agency should manage their clients. He puts special stress on Client- Agency engagement. The agency can initially put forward their insights and strategies but if the client deviates much then allow him/her to try out his/her options. Also, expectation management with the clients is of crucial importance.

Running campaigns for clients in the field of Social Media might appear easy but you have to manage your clients' interests and also be able to convince them not to expect immediate results.

Mr. Sanjay Mehta Social Media Campaign Client- Agency engagement Social Media Client Social Wavelength insights