
Signs You Are A True Social Media Addict

Manveer Singh Malhi
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Social Media Addict

How often do you Skype or indulge in IM chats rather than face to face conversations and, more importantly, prefer it? Do frequent check ins and regular tweets keep bothering you? Unavailability of Wi-Fi for a few minutes makes your life hell! You have a tit-for-tat policy for Facebook and twitter- if you like and comment my post I’ll do the same for you. You are curious about  the number of likes you get on posts or pictures. The IM and Facebook jargon are beginning to affect your conversation and communication, although within the same room, is carried out via pinging.

  • You ping someone in the same room via Facebook Chat
  •  Low battery on your mobile/laptop is the most terrifying sight in the world.
  •   If someone shares a joke, instead of laughing like a Bollywood Villain, you say ‘LOL’
  •  The first thing you do after hearing that someone famous has passed away is read their Wikipedia page
  •  Your friends sometimes refer to you with your Twitter handle
  • You have secretly deleted embarrassing Facebook posts and photos
  •  You check your phone every 2 minutes to see how many likes your photo has received
  •  You continuously visit a place to steal mayorship on Foursquare.
  •  You have your own Twitter philosophy

(You follow me = I will follow you)

(@manveermalhi has unfollowed you = you unfollow him)

(You RT my tweets = I RT your tweets)

  •  Facebook updates are within 140 characters but on Twitter it’s never enough
  •  A day without Wi-Fi is equivalent to capital punishment
  • Check-ins and tweets are more important than conversations over the table
  • Skype conversations are longer than coffee conversations

Do you have any of these symptoms? Congratulations, my friend, I confer upon you the title of a true social media addict!

skype Facebook Twitter Social media Tweet twitter handle