
Social Media Campaign Review: Air France India Takes #theloveflight This Valentine's Day

Parampara Patil Hashmi
New Update
Air France India on Twitter

With all the brands rushing in to make the most of the Valentine’s Day Special offerings, Air France India, a newbie in the online space has started taking its own baby steps to make the most of the seasonal opportunity.


Air France India aims to attract social media interactions for the brand by introducing #theloveflight contest on Twitter for the Valentine ’s season, promising couple tickets to Paris.

Air France India  on Twitter


@AirFranceIN announced #theloveflight contest on Twitter, asking tweeples to share pictures of their special moments with their loved ones.

Every tweet with #theloveflight will decrease the distance between India and France. The couple with maximum tweets with the hashtag will win the contest.

Since Air France has a uniform Facebook page for its operations in all countries, and it is not just a country specific page, the same contest was promoted on their official page with a single post about it.

air france tweets

The official website of Air France India mentions the contest on its homepage,

The contest ends on 14th February 2014, at midnight.


  • Its lucrative prize offering- couple tickets to Paris- has attracted the attention of many people to participate in the contest and goes very well with the occasional mood of Valentine’s Day.
  • The contest has seen a variant participation from different age groups, as many have posted their pictures on Twitter for the same.

#theloveflight  contest by air france on twitter


  • AirFranceIN has been highly inconsistent with their Twitter account maintenance and lack regularity.
  • The result of which is a low follower count, failing to make an impact.
  • The contest strategy is not aggressive enough to make up for its other drawbacks.
  • Not many users are comfortable sharing their personal pictures on social networks for contest purposes.
  • The terms and conditions of the contest and have not been specified, thus, creating confusion.
  • The contest is conducted on a single platform.

Scope of Improvement

  • AirFrance can do much better with a well devised plan and a more aggressive strategy for their Twitter contests in the future.
  • Firstly, the brand needs to build their online presence by engaging users regularly with interesting content and updates.
  • For photo centric contests, the brand can engage more platforms such as Pintrest and Instagram. Facebook too could have been a feasible option with options like getting more likes and shares for the contending pictures.
  • The brand must involve more media tools like contest posters and teaser videos to increase involvement.


Air France India has made a good initiative in creating the brand's presence online. However, it lacks the right strategy and execution. The brand has too many flaws to deal with and must take the online platform more seriously. Keeping in mind the growing clout of social media activities by various brands, there is a lot required to match up to the prevailing level and create an impressive brand image online.

Social Networks media tools hashtag contest strategy Air France contest Twitter pintrest Valentine's Day #theloveflight contest create buzz