
Social Media Campaign Review: Infosys Cements its Thought Leadership with Trends 2014 Campaign

Richa Arora
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New Update

It is that time of the year when experts mete out predictions about what the new year holds in store for their respective fields, and in the same vein, Infosys is here with Trends 2014 – an integrated campaign which enlists trends across various sectors in Business and Technology.

Infosys social media campaign


The objective of the campaign is to highlight game changing trends which are of consequence to the company and to help enterprises know what to expect in 2014, thereby giving them an edge.


An integrated campaign, Trends 2014 is featured on the homepage of Infosys’s website, anchored by a video that introduces the thirteen sectors of Business and Technology (Retail, Banking, Cloud, Big Data, to name a few) which have been assessed to predict the trends relevant to the industry and the sectors that Infosys operates in.

The trends have been presented in more than one way on the website, with infographics, videos, trend cards, blogs etc. for each sector.

Infosys is one the few IT companies which have been lauded for their efficient use of social media. In this case, both Twitter and Facebook have been employed, not only to promote the campaign, but also to facilitate interactions with users and address their queries with regard to the trends predicted.


On Twitter, Infosys conducted an initiative titled ‘Tweetchats’ where thought leaders from the IT giant talked about key trends across thirteen industries in Business and Technology. Madhu Janardhan, Head of Retail, kicked off the first ‘Tweetchat’ on January 13 on how 2014 is all about rethinking retail concepts, and interacted with journalists and users, answering numerous questions tweeted using the hashtag #RetailTrends and the campaign hashtag #InfosysTrends.

infosys social media campaign

An audio version of the ‘Tweetchat’ in which the thought leader spoke about all the trends discussed on Twitter has also been made available on the website, apart from a detailed blog, an infographic and trend cards.

infosys retail infographic

With eleven ‘Tweetchats’ being conducted within a period of 16 days and clocking in at 3,000 tweets, Infosys has created quite an extensive level of awareness amongst enterprises and has shared with them a fair idea of trends to watch out for.


Although the larger part of interactive activity was conducted on Twitter, Facebook was also employed to promote Trends 2014 via a dedicated cover photo and several relevant posts on the company’s page.

infosys facebook post Infosys Facebook page


Infosys has always been known for its leadership and innovation in its areas of business. Cementing their spot as the leader of the pack with Trends 2014, it has helped enterprises with vast amount of vital insights and game-changing trends. With insightful blogs, well designed infographics and trend cards, content was definitely the king when it comes to this campaign.

An interesting twist to the usual trend report was in the incorporation of Twitter and leveraging the live nature of this micro blogging site for real-time interactions between followers and thought leaders from Infosys.

Scope of Improvement

Despite the extensively engaging nature of the campaign, there were a few areas that were lacking as well. For instance, the campaign did not conduct any activity on Facebook apart from posting updates to make people tweet.

It would have been an interesting and ultimately insightful effort to engage people on Facebook as well, in order to generate more awareness about the campaign and reaching out to an audience that is not keyed into Twitter as much as it is into Facebook.


With innovative and useful content, coupled with strong opportunities to interact with some of the most experienced thought leaders on social media platforms, this campaign is definitely top notch.

However, better use of Facebook could have generated further buzz for the campaign. Despite the lack, Infosys has efficiently leveraged on its tagline, “Building Tomorrow’s Enterprise”.

Retail banking Engagement Facebook Social Media Campaign Twitter social media objectives blog generate buzz tweetchats trends 2014 Infosys business and technology Content