
Social Media Case Study : How HomeShop18’s #MakesMeHappy Campaign Went Viral to 23Mn Users Within 24 hours

Social Samosa
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MindShift Interactive


MindShift Interactive, leading digital marketing and research firm, successfully completed a comprehensive Social Media campaign that created an unprecedented buzz for HomeShop18’s new ‘Shopping Makes Me Happy’ jingle. The one-of-its kind social media campaign was emotionally driven to bring to viewers one single question: What makes them happy?


  • Create awareness about HomeShop18's new positioning and jingle.
  • Drive maximum conversations around it


The campaign was built in 5 phases with Twitter conversations revolving around happiness and excitement among key opinion leaders and vibrant digital enthusiasts. The interactions began with influencers exchanging tweets with reasons and people that made them happy, across Twitter.

The conversations with ‘Happy’ thoughts saw a huge traction on Twitter , with several people talking about their experiences as a result of which HomeShop18 surprised people with vouchers to increase the happiness quotient.

With conversations at a pea, from influencers and followers alike, HomeShop18 launched the Shopping Makes Me Happy Jingle video and encouraged their followers to share happy moments using the hashtag #MakesMeHappy. The hashtag trended along with augmented conversations, interactions, and live tweets, resulting in an increased dialogue amongst digital enthusiasts.


The campaign garnered an overall outreach of 23 million users across Social Media, trending for over 24 hours across India and engaged a total outreach of 8,16,532on Facebook, 6,36,540 on Twitter and 2,40,000 on Instagram.

HomeShop18 MindShift Interactive Facebook Social Media Campaign Twitter #MakesMeHappy Social media Digital Marketing Shopping Makes Me Happy Instagram Buzz