
Cadbury Celebrations Personalizes User Experience through #MeethiMemories Illustrations

Vidhi Shah
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cadbury celebrations

Cadbury Celebrations has been one of the few brands in India who has invested in the digital medium wholeheartedly and in turn reaped results in form of long lasting branding. The brand attitude has always been a very co-existing one, considering they weave a beautiful blend of human interactions with brand interactions on social media platforms.

After their Songs for Sisters campaign last year around the same festive occasion of RakshaBandhan, Cadbury Celebrations has come up with a new property, #MeethiMemories which helps the brand further strengthen their relevance with Indian festivals.


Cadbury Celebrations created a hashtag #MeethiMemories for the 10 day long campaign (1st August – 10th August). The core idea of the campaign was to make brothers and sisters remember the fond memories which they have shared together in their childhood, and to find a way to bring them back in the form of illustrations.


A Facebook application has been created for accepting entries from users about incidents from their childhood and in turn stands a chance to win an illustration for their sister.

cadbury celebration


Below the application a live stream of entries and tweets are integrated.

cadbury celebration


Entries are being accepted through the brand’s Twitter account too.




Once the brand receives the story entries through these mediums, they are tracked down and turned into illustrations which portray and bring out their story perfectly. All this is being done in real-time, while making sure that the turnaround time is minimum.

The Facebook timeline was populated with these illustrations, generating a curiosity among fans and encourage them to participate.






Relationship Building

Cadbury’s focus has always been to build a strong relationship with its customers. This is exactly one of the factors that brands should consider looking into. Marketing has always been a way to connect with your audience, almost like understanding them deeply in order to build a relationship such that loyal evangelists are created in the process.

This campaign is pretty much a reflection of that.

Recall, Recall & Recall

Creating a recall value has been one of the ingredients that has worked for over many years now. This is a popular method on social media too. Also being much more effective than a Facebook ad. It almost seems to me that brands forget to ask themselves what they are advertising on social media. #MeethiMemories by Cadbury Celebrations has created a recall in the minds of its customers by giving them a little bite of the brand in form of an illustration.

Such artwork is a treasure for social media users considering they are always on a lookout for attention and when given so, they crave for more by sharing it amongst friends.


Creating a unique work of art piece or videos have been done by other brands too. But that does not mean that this campaign did not generate a great amount of interaction for the brand. Users never get tired of personalization on social media.

Raksha Bandhan is a special occasion in India and attaching this campaign to the festive is a nice way to make your customers feel cared for and loved.

RakshaBandhan Song for Sisters fond memories Camapign review #MeethiMemories Facebook Twitter Cadbury Celebrations illustrations