
Social Media Agency Feature : Bloggers Mind - A Digital Marketing Agency

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bloggers mind

Who are we?

Bloggers Mind is a word of mouth marketing company based out of New Delhi. We are in the business of content creation, monitoring and analyzing brand reach and content dissemination across social properties and ORM (Online Reputation Management) for our clients across multiple verticals such as telecom, automotive, luxury, fashion and lifestyle.

After a stint of about 10 years in public relations and having managed clients across sectors, it was sometime in 2007 that I (Songita Verma) first realized a need to deliver beyond a mere story. The idea was to study what consumers are blogging and sharing the intelligence based on that with brands. At that point of time, I wanted to be a consultant to the client and the fact that the internet held the potential to bridge the divide between a brand and its stakeholders, especially customers, gave birth to the whole idea of starting up an Internet venture that you know as Bloggers Mind Digital Marketing Pvt. Ltd. today.

In the beginning, the idea was too far-fetched for some of my colleagues and friends as they thought that it was too complicated and that nobody would pay for it. People just didn’t realize that this would soon become an area of great interest and they needed to invest in it. I think that, at that time, my biggest challenge was that –people lacked a basic understanding of the domain and were unable to relate to it. It began with an attempt to educate brands and to get them to say yes to the idea.

Ever since then, it has been an interesting journey that began with online research, followed by advocacy and online reputation management (ORM) and, before we knew it, we were managing communities on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and blog. I still remember how I started my office from my home. I hijacked the dining table at home for a good six to seven months before we moved into our first office in Delhi and there has been no looking back ever since. As of today, we have grown into a strong team of campaign managers, content and creative teams, analytic teams and community managers.

What's in the name?

When I started out, I aimed to monitor online blogging to gauge a sentiment analysis of what was being said about a brand on the internet. The Blogger was supreme- what he/she thinks, observes and writes about and how he/she reacts were all of supreme importance.

Physiology and psychology claimsthat the human brain is divided into the left hemisphere- which controls one’s logical and analytical abilities and the right hemisphere - which controls one’s intuitive and emotional capacities. The mind is all powerful and bringing together the strengths of both the right and left hemispheres of the brain is our ultimate aim at Bloggers Mind.

We conflate the logical and objective aspects (left brained) with our real time monitoring and data analytics with more intuitive, creative aspects of creating unique thought-provoking content for our clients.

It is the amalgamation of these thoughts that gave birth to the nomenclature, Bloggers Mind, today.

What we do?

We provide a gamut of services to ensure that we give an all comprehensive offering to our clients. We achieve our results through:

  • Content creation
  • Content management
  • Community building
  • Creating and sustaining buzz
  •  Influencer engagement via online media and offline physical interaction leading to original user-generated content for our clients, on ground meet-ups to encourage conversations online
  • Online reputation management by tracking what is being said where and by whom and then providing resolution
  • Analytics which covers the science of mapping conversations and deducing a sentiment index for our client

Why we do it?

After a stint of about 10 years in public relations and having managed clients across sectors, it was sometime in 2007, that I first realized a need to deliver beyond a mere story. The idea was to study what consumers are blogging and sharing the intelligence, based on that, with brands.  At that point in time, I wanted to be a consultant to the client and the fact that the internet held the potential to bridge the divide between a brand and its stakeholders, especially customers, gave birth to the whole idea of starting up an internet venture that you know as Bloggers Mind Digital Marketing Pvt. Ltd. today.

Being a communication specialist and having worked with brands, the common thread is the ability to analyze and manage reputation for brands. The only difference was the medium, something entirely new, real time and definitely overwhelming. The internet is like an ocean: the deeper you go, the more you discover.

We do what we do because the space is exciting and ever evolving. Getting the art and science of social media right is our biggest kick!

How we evolve?

The social media industry is growing exponentially with new innovations, new platforms and apps being created every day. The challenge and the rush of the job come from the same fact. The rapid rate of evolution of the medium demands constant innovation from people in our line of work. It is of paramount importance to create engaging, interactive and authentic content to stay ahead in the game. Analytic tools are constantly evolving as well and it is also important to have our research in place.  So, we are constantly trying to keep all bases covered.

Social responsibility in social media

With the democracy and transparency that social media provides, all concerned parties are exposed to all the information. As a social media agency, we do our bit by speaking up for public good, for causes, and utilize our social media reach to garner a share of voice in favour of the public good!

Social media is the best way to reach out to networks with a human touch and gather public support, especially for social causes. Social media firms should provide a platform to address issues and amplify content to ensure maximum reach.

We learned the hard way

Classic challenges we face, as a social media agency, would include:

Generating Awareness and Driving Traffic : When generating leads, marketers face the challenge of not having enough volumes of interested prospects and others face the challenge of deciding which platforms to focus on for the highest return. One needs to ensure that one is on the right networks and platforms and creating interactive content with effective targeting.

Using Social Media to Generate Customers and Revenue: It isn't enough to simply have a presence on social media; there is a science of targeting, engaging, and nurturing with social networks that will allow you to build up a social following that you can use as a quality source of leads for your business. It is essential to focus on the intelligent management of your social leads - the ability to recognize influencers, segment groups of users based on their social activity and interests, and properly time and manage appropriate follow-up communication.

Increasing and Proving ROI: With the rapid exponential growth of the industry and constant innovation in analytic tools, it is essential that we know how to support our value to clients with solid, hard proofs.

They work with us

Our clientele includes a variety of clients across myriad verticals like lifestyle, automotive, telecom, media & entertainment etc. We have had the good fortune to have been working with a giant like Nokia India (now Microsoft) ever since our conception. Other clients include Honda, Reckitt Benckiser , Omega, and Numero Uno, to name a few.

Industry as we foresee

The social media industry has really matured in the past few years. The evolution has been swift, sure and dynamic. Some of the key things to keep an eye out for, in the coming years, follows as:

  • Visual content will rule: Brands need to show, and not tell, their customers the benefits of their products. The consumer is smarter and more information savvy than ever before. The democratization that social media lends to how opinions are formed and aired demands timely and communication.
  • An extension to the first point, platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and Vine will come to the forefront as businesses are rapidly turning to them to reach their audiences in unique ways.
  • Brands have to look at a definitive mobile strategy as part of the larger marketing plan in light of the widespread penetration of smartphones.
  • With social media maturing, creating out of the box content will be the biggest and constant challenge. Interactive content will trump static content. More brands will also join the social bandwagon in the coming  years.

A day without Internet

A day without internet in our line of work equals a living nightmare and is unimaginable. Sometimes, when there is a power cut for long hours, it gets tough to maintain connectivity online and it’s not fun. Moreover, as a generation, it is hard to imagine life without internet as it has largely become our primary source of information.

Lastly, are you hiring?

We are always looking forward to working with enthusiastic, creative and talented individuals. At Bloggers Mind, the individual is respected and celebrated because we believe that everyone has something unique to offer and brings value to the table. We would love to hear from interested parties!


Honda Social Media Agency Feature Analytics nokia india New Delhi Uno Community Building Content Management Omega Bloggers mind Content Creation ORM