
Tool Spotlight - Thoughtbuzz Challenge: Client Portfolio

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Tool Spotlight - Thoughtbuzz Challenge: Client Portfolio

As our Tool under Spotlight for this month, we present to you Thoughtbuzz Challenge, an Interactive social media management tool which has been launched by Thoughtbuzz, a Singapore based creative digital agency, with office in Delhi, Mumbai, Singapore, Jakarta, Manila, Guangzhou, Kuala Lumpur and operations in Asia and USA. & Social Media Agency that has been in the industry since 2005. 

The company started out as a start-up in Singapore and was recently acquired by To The NewAnshul Jain, Co-Founder of ThoughtBuzz, talks about the most exciting projects they have been doing with a wide variety of clients in India and across the globe. The new and exciting social media management tool is open for sign ups here.


Toyota wanted to map the performance of their brands of the various car brands across 5 countries in Asia (including India). Their focus was to develop a customized dashboard for social listening and build a comprehensive reporting system for local managers in each country.

Challenge: The challenge for ThoughtBuzz was monitoring huge volumes of data about more than 40 car brands in multiple regional languages and distilling that into insight. Our social media listening tool Omnio G is completely customized to enable insights, which are relevant for an automobile brand manager. This tool innately manages multiple language sentiment analysis, which is critical for real time insight.

To further segment the data, ThoughtBuzz built an automated algorithm allowing the volume of the data to be broken down into 24 categories that Toyota uses to categorize information internally. This allows managers to spot reasons for negativity and spot potential threats like issues in dealerships or marketing, benchmark performance and also map trends over time.

Solution: The solution for Toyota has empowered managers with real time insight into their brands, which has allowed them to make faster decisions.


The eCommerce industry is getting more and more competitive every day, with new entrants into the market and increased investment into customer acquisition and retention. Going beyond search engine advertising as the primary tool for reaching out to customers, we worked with Myntra to build a solution that allows them to generate potential leads from social media listening.

Challenge: Myntra (now acquired by Flipkart) is one of the most prominent fashion online destination, and thereby a highly discussed company on social media. Their customers talk about and discuss their shopping experience with Myntra as well as their competitors. This is where ThoughtBuzz’s consultants enabled Myntra to track conversations about Myntra, competitors, fashion and general lifestyle mentions, to convert that into an efficient lead generation engine.

Solution: Depending on the topic, tonality, sentiment, and persona of person who posted the tweet, we segmented mentions into specific buckets from netizens who Myntra wants to retain, attract, or upsell. Thereby building a completely new channel for generating revenue as well as keep their influencers and detractors engaged.

Election Tracker

In the 2014 general elections, the battles were not fought at election rallies and in television debates, but on social media, where India’s youth discussed, critiqued, and argued for and against their favorites to win in the general elections.

Challenge: With so much conversation around the elections, different political parties, leaders and issues, it was a challenge to map the impact of social media on the elections.

This is why CNN-IBN and ThoughtBuzz teamed up to set up a social media tracker where insight into the evolving social media landscape of the elections were updated in real-time.

Solution: The dashboard would feature the top issues, the impact of them on the top politicians and parties ratings (net sentiment score).

The net sentiment score derived from social media mentions directly correlated with the results of the elections showcasing social media listening’s ability to give deep insights. The social media election tracker garnered a lot of social media buzz and media coverage as for the first time social media was tracked comprehensively for the elections. Since then ThoughtBuzz is working across the globe on helping build social media trackers for elections for different countries.


Life Insurance Corporation of India is India’s largest insurance company in India operating half a billion policies through a huge network of 1.5 million agents. With such a wide network of users and agents, potential and current consumers take to social media to discuss, complain and inquire about the insurance plans they should invest in.

Challenge: With this sheer volume of data its important for LIC manages to be empowered to anticipate a social media crisis as well as to generate insight into their business in real time. This is where ThoughtBuzz was

Solution: ThoughtBuzz set up a comprehensive reporting system for LIC with daily, weekly and monthly reports being sent to managers. ThoughtBuzz’s social media listening tool was configured to spot a crisis and automatically email the relevant managers as a crisis would develop. When a crisis does arise managers would start receiving an analyst report on the crisis every 3 hours enabling them to make faster decisions using real-time data.

The comprehensive solution has allowed LIC to be in control of their social media presence, reduce negativity and detractors in the long run, understand pain points of customers, engage with customers with complaints and mitigate potential social media crisis.

P&G Olay

Skincare is one of the most competitive sectors with the fight for building customer loyalty and advocacy heating up with brands moving to the social web, with localized content strategies across multiple platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Procter & Gamble’s Olay division worked with ThoughtBuzz in using social media analytics to analyze content strategies of Olay and its competitors in USA and Thailand and suggest ways to improve their return on investment.

Challenge: Consumers use different platforms to consume different types of content. Therefore customized approach allows you to keep customers engaged across platforms. Our key deliverable thus was a customized content calendar and strategy for each country with a roadmap for each platform.

When we analyzed the content across competitors we were able to segment different content goals for each post. Therefore the content roadmap for each platform, included number of posts that should be ideally done for each platform, when they should be done, what kind of post it should be, how fast Olay should be responding to user queries and what should be the content goal of that specific post.

Solution: This holistic study allowed Olay to find gaps in their strategy, understand the competitive landscape and therefore build a strategy which would help them engage the end customer and cut through the noise.

Omnio G election tracker myntra Thoughtbuzz Lic Social Media Agency Toyota tool spotlight Olay