
IndiaMart Plays on #AaramKiTune to Create Buzz on Social Media

Siddharth Das
New Update
IndiaMart Plays on #AaramKiTune to Create Buzz on Social Media

Indiamart, an online marketplace is hinting at a new campaign, considering they have just released teasers on Youtube and Facebook.

Even before the launch of their full-fledged campaign they have resorted to the medium of social media platforms and radio to build an element of surprise and curiosity among the customers.

Indiamart has gained traction on social media through pre-buzz activities which extends to Facebook and Twitter where conversations are taking place using the hashtag #AaramKiTune.

Though the brand has not revealed the reason behind the launch, it can be safely said that these social media marketing tactics mark the precursor of something big that customers can from expect from Indiamart.

Pre-Buzz Activities for #AaramKiTune

Every individual has reminiscence about a song and associates it with a tune.  A song that’s just their own, a tune that brings a smile to their face and makes them feel good. Keeping this in mind Indiamart has created a cross platform user engagement campaign.

The campaign was built up on Facebook through posters until the unveiling of their campaign.

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The cover image was then changed and a contest was announced. Users could tweet and post on Facebook a tune that was close to their heart. Indiamartis sponsoring prices for this every hour.



On Twitter, users participated with Hindi and English songs, creating the much needed buzz for the brand. This kind of a simple response based campaign sure seems to be working in the favour of the brand.

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Music is something that all users on social media love to connect with. We have often seen status updates and tweets which are partial lyrics of a song. Indiamart has capitalized this emotion and got the users talking on Twitter.

The brand has also created a Youtube video which is a compilation of youngsters singing songs, released on the official channel today. This brings back the connect to the social media contest and is big on user engagement.

Indiamart is a well-known online platform, known for connecting buyers & suppliers across the country. It is yet to be seen whether or not this campaign is only going to be rolled out on social media platforms or will be an integrated marketing approach. It is only exciting to wait for the entire campaign to roll out.

Social Media Campaign indiamart youtube video #aaramkitune hashtag contest