
Twitter Chat with Karthik Srinivasan (@beastoftraal): How to Amplify your Social Media Strategy with Influencer Marketing

Social Samosa
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Twitter Chat with Karthik Srinivasan (@beastoftraal): How to Amplify your Social Media Strategy with Influencer Marketing

Social Media is a very dynamic and evolving arm of digital media marketing. You see something new and innovative hitting this space almost everyday. The new buzz now is about Influencer Marketing,  and marketers are trying every bit to make the most of it. Every Social Media Manager is keen to learn more about its potential and how they can amplify Influencer Marketing to make a mark for their brands on Social Media.

For many brands, Influencer marketing has come up as a very powerful way in getting a brand’s message to an interested set of audience in a relevant and authentic way. Whether you want to launch a new product or you just to create brand awareness, it’s effective in driving engagement and quality traffic.

So, what exactly is Influencer Marketing? And how can you amplify this as a way to boost your Social Media activities further? To help you deflate the cloud around the secret on how brands can make effective use of Influencer Marketing , Social Samosa presents to you #SamosaChats, a Twitter Chat on how to amplify your Social Media Strategy with Influencer Marketing. You can ask any question you may have about Influencer Marketing using the hashtag #SamosaChats and it will be answered by our expert panelist from Social@Ogilvy

Date & Time:publive-image

Thursday, 3rd Dec. 3 PM to 4 PM

Our Panelist:

Karthik Srinivasan - National Lead, India at Social@Ogilvy

How to Join the Twitter Chat?

In order to participate in this chat, you need to follow the hashtag #SamosaChats. If you want to ask a question or want to share your views, you can post using this hashtag.

Our panelist (@beastoftraal) will go through all the tweets and will respond to your questions throughout the 1 hour period.

Through these invaluable discussions, we hope to help our participants explore and understand the mechanics behind running a social media campaigns in a better way.

This hashtag is what will hold the discussion together, so you are requested to use #SamosaChats every time you tweet your queries or views.

How to Track the Hashtag?

Join our Social Samosa LiveStream to track all the tweets regarding the Twitter Chat.

Oh… and did we mention that the best question will also receive free samosas from us?

We look forward to your participation and if you have queries about the chat, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Again, don’t forget to use #SamosaChats while tweeting!

Need a reminder for the Twitter chat? Fill in your details below and we will send you a reminded mail prior to the twitter chat:

#SamosaChats twitter chat social media manager Influencer marketing karthik srinivasan