We love living in the moment and reveling in it. 2014 was dubbed as the year of ‘Content’ and more so, spontaneous content. This was a clear sign for brands that they needed to the same. Brands need to make their marketing topical and reactive – known as ‘moment marketing’ – in today’s digital world where consumers are calling the shots. Marketers are now in a very unique position to be able to communicate in real time with consumers. Brands are building out entire teams and resources to be able to insert themselves into in-the-moment conversations.
A single Tweet or Facebook post is all that it takes to get people hooked to the event and make a real connection with a brand and its users. 140 characters is a daunting limit but if you wield it right, your brand might just become the buzz of the town. Same goes for Facebook. If you know how to effectively communicate with your audience, you can build a solid foundation of brand loyalists.
Amul is probably the best examples of effective moment marketing or event marketing. Quick, satirical responses by Amul have made it much more than the humble dairy product brand it is. From now one, we can expect brands to increase topical, time-sensitive and responsive communication as a way of driving engagement, social-media reach and cultural relevancy in their brand strategy. Real-time marketing is the new form of digital marketing and brands must realize its potential before we go on to the next one.
Some Indian brands have craftily created content to increase customer response and made a name for them in the Digital Marketing Arena. Centro Shoes, a shopping and retail brand from Hyderabad has generated digital ads relevant to current events and latest news. Here are some posts that were successful in capturing those crucial moments.
Another, more recent example is a Skybags post supporting the #KissOfLove Campaign.
What American Tourister did was even better! Rather than highlighting the product, they gave more importance to the message of the campaign that was already the talk of the time and subtly positioned their brand to show support. This is a good example for brands when it comes to actually taking part in the issue and not diverting to forceful emphasis on their own product.
Many brands with active social media strategies are resorting to Moment Marketing a.k.a Adaptive Marketing for making their mark on the users. Moments marketing not only helps in creating a fresh faced brand image but also leads to great customer engagement and brand loyalty.
Here are 3 points to have on your checklist to ensure your brand is ready to respond, react, and engage with your audience at the time.
- Make sense
Identify relevant events. The important thing for marketers to remember is that you don’t need to be a part of every conversation. Make a list of upcoming events, news topics, etc. that make sense for your brand to respond to.
- Be true to your brand image
Get personal, and be authentic. You may not steal the spotlight like Amul does, but you can leverage events to have personal conversations with your audience. Personalization drives more engagement with your brand than any amount of measurable impressions could generate, and makes talking to a brand enjoyable.
- Don’t force it
Yes, some trending might look tempting as a can be chance to access all those eyeballs and an immediate connection to popularity but consider two key points before placing your brand in the limelight: relevance to your audience and your brand’s core values, and appropriateness. Don’t let your eagerness to be part of the conversation cloud your judgment and tempt you to stray from your brand’s authentic voice.
Moment Marketing is not complicated; it’s basically how we stay connected with people through shared interests and common goals. The same applies to companies trying build a relationship with new and existing audiences; you have to know what’s important to them and make sure it’s important to you. The imperative objective should be making more interactive response-driven content for optimal engagement and a boost in brand equity.
If you have any more tips and tricks to share for Moment Marketing let us know in the comment box below.