3 Job vacancies that Public Relation companies should fill TODAY

Apeksha Harihar
New Update
3 Job vacancies that Public Relation companies should fill TODAY

Publications are always looking to populate their Facebook and Twitter accounts. All you need to do is, help them.

1. Get a designer on board

Create interesting social media ready graphics along with press release for instant shares. If your brand promotes Goa tourism, you must send in 5 Facebook ready graphics about Goa tourism – like a fun fact series that can be shared through the publication’s social media accounts.

Also, this designer can help make infographics and support your press releases.

2. Get a social savvy person

You might have interesting news to share but how good is it if it’s a task for the journalist to decode? Smart 140 character lines that do justice to the release should be sent along.

When the publication publishes the news, these tweets can be used with the links to promote. Or, if the news is not website worthy, it can be simply tweeted out.

3. LinkedIn Ninja

Get a LinkedIn Ninja who can populate a PR company’s LinkedIn page with press releases, ofcourse make it shareworthy. Let LinkedIn be a media-briefing platform. Promote the page/ graphics within journalist groups.


Public relation companies should begin using social media to share releases too. They can make their Facebook and Twitter feed a space for journalists to follow.

Social media LinkedIn public relations designer job profiles