
Colour blocking on Instagram

Saloni Surti
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Colour blocking on Instagram
An Instagram account is a vivid reflection of a person or brand life. Each picture accounts for thousands of words and every effect symbolises a glimpse of a soul. Be it a brand or an individual user – make sure that your Instagram personifies your ideology with glorious colour shenanigans.

Instagram is a lot more than merely adding effects. When celebrated with colours, this picture oriented social networking site is synonymous to creativity at its best.

Take a quick walk down memory lane – remember the colour wheel that you learned in a dull drawing lecture? Turns out, these concepts are useful for life. To make your Instagram profile more communicative and vivid, try applying traditional colour blocking concepts amalgamated with creativity.

Colours are brighter when the mind is open

A vertical Instagram profile exhibits a dash of images from your lens. These images speak multi-fold when colour blocked to narrate a single theme.

Color blocking

Take vertical colour blocking for instance. The left side of your profile could narrate images with shades of strong pink with right side complementing with black or dark blue oriented images. Before adding a dash of the required colour, quickly check where this image will stand on your profile (on right or left).

Even when the right and left images mash up down the line; you still have a pink and black colour coordinated profile.

Colours are promiscuous. They get infected by their neighbours.

Use quick insta-videos to narrate your thought trail. It could be a simple splashing of vibrant colours on a palate and the video highlighting every stroke and splash in a poetic narrative. These videos speak eons about your understanding of colours; with each colour speaking about your perception of life.

color blocking 1

Keep calm and make your life colourful

Another way to create a smashing colour blocked Instagram profile would be a colour theme portraying your take on colours of life.

Color blocking video

Pick a colour theme like shades of sea. Try and add a tinge of sea blue to every picture you Instagram. For every horizontal row pick one shade of blue, go on with lighter or darker shades as your profile progresses. A calm sea with an eccentric blue – an Instagram profile that no one could miss.

Life is about using the whole box of crayons

It does not have to be one colour or one theme. Let your imagination speak through an array of colours. Create a whole package.


For instance, if the last image you uploaded had a shade of dark green, feel free to mix in rays or red in your next images. Throw in some yellow with sepia or a crisp white that blends in with all hues just right. Colours are about expressing yourself, never stick to one shade just because the colour wheel says so.

The purest and the most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most

It can be black and white for all you know – the best stories are chronicled with bright ideas. Try searching for StoryInFourFrames on Instagram. Each imaged Instagramm-ed by Sagar Mahabaleshwarkar has a four frame effect – the same picture from four different angles makes you look at the world in an all new light.


Any social media platform speaks of your take on the universe. So, don’t be scared. Let colours speak for you – be it on Instagram or any other platform.

This article is brought to you by Berger Paints. Fancy yourself a décor aficionado? Meet Berger’s chic Colour Magazine for the hottest trends, handpicked tips & tricks on Home Décor, Interior Designing and much more!


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