
A tweet in time curbs crime

Social Samosa
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Tweet in time
We all cringed at the picture of the man who outrageously masturbated at a woman in broad daylight. While responsible twitteratis immediately jumped the boat to spot the offender; it was the tweet from CMO Maharashtra office that catalysed the situation.

It all began in when an American national, Maryanna Abdo tweeted an image of a sex offender, calling out to tweeples from around the city to help her spot him. She also shared the exact location in Colaba, where the unfortunate incident took place.

The tweet was soon picked up by active Mumbaikars and was retweeted a couple of times. Mumbai Police’s Social Media Lab passed on the alleged information to Colaba police, who instantly started working towards tracking the accused.

The situation took a turn for the good, when Maharashtra CM’s office picked up the tweet and reverted to Abdo, assuring her that the case was deputed to a senior officer by Devendra Fadnavis.

Social media for social redressal

Social Media Lab by Mumbai Police crawls the internet for crimes around the city that seek justice. Abdo’s case received her fair share of attention, by a joint effort from Mumbai Police and Maharashtra CMO’s tweet.

While India seems to be on the right path for social policing, a number of countries are majoring the subject.

Recently, San Francisco police department, appointed Eduard Ochoa as their Instagram Officer. Ochoa searches the platform for criminal activities or people who might have connection to crimes. The concept took root when a person was arrested for posting a selfie with stolen goods.

With the government and security forces focussing on social media as a redressal unit, the true strength of the medium comes forward. A tweet in time, can not only get criminals to just, but also prevent crimes in a lot of situations.

crime cmo devendra fadnavis Twitter Social Media news Mumbai Social media cm maryana abdo Eduard Ochoa colaba Maharashtra Mumbai Police san francisco