
Virality lessons from Ambuja Cement's Khali video

Sukaina Meghani
Updated On
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Virality lessons from Ambuja Cement's Khali video
Everyone has been talking about the latest funny, poignant mockumentary that shows us the struggle of sturdy and brawny Dalip Singh Rana AKA The Great Khali. Not sure about anything else but at least that the cement isn't crack resistant.

What doesn’t break you only makes you stronger - The Great Khali took this too literally and made us all crack like a hard stone up with their astonishingly funny advertisement (of course, no pun intended).

Satire sells 

Keeping in mind their central theme of the brand - strength, Ambuja Cement went beyond the first level of creativity and completely out-snarked their competition.

Ironically, the video shows how the supposedly most powerful man in the country is powerless and feeble when it comes to being home happily precisely due to his strength.

A face that resonates with social dwellers 

Ambuja Cement is not unfamiliar with getting celebrities for advertisement, but their latest face seemed to strike all chords and did well comparatively. What most binder companies forget to include in their communication is the creativity and the connectivity factor. Ambuja Cement used all 50 shades of creativity, humour and brought out their product’s USP very smartly.

Roping in WWE's former world heavyweight champion was a wise decision taken by the brand. Instead of focusing on their product, like most brands always end up doing in their video, Ambuja Cement captivated that thought very carefully and sharply making it entertaining.

The advert received more than 380,000 views on YouTube since it was published and has been doing rounds on social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter proving to be a lesson for all the brands.

Nevertheless, the message conveyed was loud and clear, Ambuja Cement is undoubtedly an A grade cement.

TVC Youtube Facebook Twitter ad campaigns cement Social networking platforms DVC Social media Funny ambuja cement Indian Social Media documentary Khali mockumentary heavyweight The great Khali