
Presenting #SS30Under30 winners

Social Samosa
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Presenting #SS30Under30 winners
Social Samosa launched #SS30Under30 in February as an endeavor to build a fraternity that moves along with growing talent at the fore. An initiative to nurture bright minds, committed souls, and raw spirits – now arrives at its conclusion with the list of top 30 social media professionals who are at the fairer side of 30.

Team Social Samosa with its esteemed jury panel feels honoured to present you the winners of #SS30Under30. Over 130 entries and around 50 wildcard nominations, it was a tough battle. A crusade where every point mattered!

Each participant performed exceptionally well, albeit the format called out for Top 30 Under 30 Social media professionals and we present them to you.

We would also like to take this moment, to thank our remarkably talented jury panel – K. V. Sridhar (Pops), Deepali Naair, Rishi Dogra, Samit Malkani, and Vijay Sankaran. Their expertise, knowledge, and sheer keenness to pick the best of best, helped us come up with a truly unbiased and deserving list.

This is also the time where we extend a warm Thank You to each and every participant for making this initiative what it is today.

On this note we sign off with a promise to return with bigger, better, and larger #SS30Under30 next year.

#SS30Under30 and Vijay Sankaran. K. V. Sridhar (Pops) Samit Malkani Team Social Samosa event social samosa deepali naair top 30 under 30 Social Media Professionals Rishi Dogra