Tata Coffee Grand
Rediffusion Edelman
The globe celebrates Star Wars Day on the May 4th witnessing the internet explode with Star Wars references. For the uninitiated ‘May the 4th be with you’ is a fun on the hallowed Star Wars dialogue ‘May the force be with you.’
The force has a dark and a light side, leveraging on this factor Tata Coffee Grand uses the force to engage with the twitterverse in a conversation that pitted dark coffee lovers versus light coffee lovers. The force answered with a ‘frothy’ idea.
The brand saw an opportunity to bring Star Wars fans closer to Tata Coffee Grand with a Twitter contest that seamlessly blended coffee and Star Wars mythos. They had a wonderful opportunity to be a part of a global conversation and suffuse it with wit & banter.
The brand also saw the opportunity to tap into an intrinsic connect between the product and the two sides of the force raising awareness for the brand, Tata Coffee Grand, also, gently shifting the brand perception
The campaign hinged on the pun #MayTheFroth be with you. This pun led to the very apparent but cunning play between the dark and light sides of coffee and the force. The coffee brand built a contest for Star Wars Day fans connect their passion with the brand.
Today at 3 pm, the twitterverse will choose between the Dark side and the Light side. #MayTheFroth be with you. pic.twitter.com/UlahVBmtkV
— GrannyG (@tatacoffeegrand) May 4, 2016
The contest hinged on one axiom- which side do you pledge your allegiance to? The light side (coffee with milk) or the Dark side (Black Coffee)?
Q 3: Share your coffee if you must, who & why would it be from this galaxy far far away? #MayTheFroth be with you. pic.twitter.com/i0AKrmQCVk
— GrannyG (@tatacoffeegrand) May 4, 2016
The allegiance for coffee and the force were tested and revealed through a series of three questions that were sent out as tweets on the afternoon of May 4th. Each tweet was accompanied by an animated GIF that showed the struggle between the dark and light side. Jedi Master Yoda represented the Light Side and Sith Lord Darth Vader represented the Dark Side.
Question 1: Which side of the coffee galaxy are you on? #MayTheFroth be with you. pic.twitter.com/6qeJ6xThgO
— GrannyG (@tatacoffeegrand) May 4, 2016
The campaign #MayTheFroth was trending nationally for five hours on Twitter of which they were trending at number 1 for two hours. In all the campaign received 7.3k mentions with the hashtag with a potential reach of 45M. These tweets in turn, returned the total number of engagement amounting to 2.5k. Through the activation Tata Coffee Grand engaged with 33% of their core audience of active female wed users.
The campaign not only engaged the Star Wars fans but also the coffee lovers who appreciate the taste that Tata Coffee Grand offers.