
Vine colludes with Twitter

The day has finally arrived when Vine will cease to exist, and Twitter will absorb its functions into their own platform, placing a titular name-Vine Camera

Mohammad Kanchwala
Updated On
New Update
The day has finally arrived when Vine will cease to exist, and Twitter will absorb its functions into their own platform, placing a titular name upon the looping video format as Vine Camera.

As a token of the good times, the two shared, Twitter is leaving something to remember Vine by, looping all videos on their platform that are under 6.5 seconds. It gives a sense of playfulness that has eroded from Twitter over time.

The short looping videos are like a Twitter exclusive GIF of a slightly longer duration yet shorter than most videos, which gives Twitter an upper hand if the audience does find it appealing. And perhaps the best thing about this new function is that it applies to video shot from any other social media app, such as Snapchat.

It could benefit Twitter if the company could grant a separate tab to popular looping Vines to ease the pain of discoverability, making sure their audience is hooked, wanting to come back regularly.

Content creators on Vine could still learn to adapt to this new arrangement, as the looping format has not ceased to exist, only the platform they loved and were familiar with has been put to death.

You can also link your Vine and Twitter to retain their followers, and notify your Vine followers to follow you on the microblogging platform.

Twitter has also granted users with a solitary moment to grieve and have a memento by downloading all their favorite Vines to the camera roll of their Android and iOS smartphones, with the captions and comments if they are willing to do it from the Web.

If you are one of those Vine faithful, you might want to hurry, but be prepared for some lag when downloading the Vines as the servers may have more on their plate. And if you don’t see an option to download these Vines, update your app now.

Personally, we are looking forward to seeing some more videos on Twitter to entertain us, and also hope Twitter can break away from this awful curse that plagues it. If you are an avid vine creator, we would love to know your thoughts on the vine camera write to us at

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