
Twitter character limit relaxed for Tweet replies as username won't count

Shedding their highly minimalist identity by expanding the Twitter character limit, giving users more valuable characters to reply to tweets

Mohammad Kanchwala
Updated On
New Update
Twitter character limit

Twitter is working toward fixing things one change at a time, shedding its highly minimalist identity by giving users a few more valuable characters when they reply to tweets, by excluding the username of the person you are replying to from the character limit.

A long standing challenge for the microblogging platform to make some changes, without compromising on their aforementioned identity. The said update about Twitter character limit was mentioned by Twitter back in May  last year, but was rolled out only today.

One of the many changes Twitter has made to the character limit are excluding the media (pictures, videos, GIFs) and even contemplating raising the character limit to 10,000 which managed to enrage a whole of Twitter users, who, if the update could have rolled out, would have had 10,000 characters to express their anger towards Twitter.

Also, Twitter added the ability for users to Retweet their own tweets for when they wish to, but that remains an odd feature at first, and may not find much use.

Twitter usernames are generally under 10 characters, which although does not sound much, but when put in contrast with the 140 character limit, does make a significant difference.

So don’t cut corners when you wish to express how you feel, and keep the conversation going is Twitter’s message for their users.

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Twitter character limit 140 characters Social Media news social media updates Twitter Twitter News Social media twitter 140 Tweet microblogging platform Indian Social Media jack dorsey retweet