
[Campaign Face Off] British Airways v/s Lufthansa

Aishwaria Sonavane
Updated On
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British Airways v/s Lufthansa

Finding affinity in diversity, airplane brands have broadened their content marketing strategies by binding cultures through stories. Recently, airline brands, Lufthansa and British Airways took us through their values and strategy with brand films.

Discovering London

Weaving a narrative around an aged relationship of two countries, this brand takes a trip down the memory lane. After a man discovers his grandfather’s journal crammed with his London experiences, the film merges reminiscence with fresh enthusiasm as the man discovers the city through a new-fangled outlook.


The idea was to highlight how getting a personal exposure of the country is always a unique experience and how British Airways has been catering to this feeling for generations now.

Last year flicking our hearts with the campaign ‘Fuelled by Love’ this time the brand discovers the versatile London with ‘Discover the London you don’t know.’ Both these stories had a tight story-line with an emotional quotient.


More Indian Than You Think

Here, trying to demonstrate the Indian-ness of the brand inspite of its origin, Lufthansa India took a humorous approach to draw connect with the Indian community.

The storyline portrayed how a coach is preparing his team to defeat the Indians in cricket by making his team more Indian by trait. Through this entire process, the team is asked to train, meditate, eat and even dance like Indians, putting out the unusual ties between the world and Indians, eventually showcasing how Lufthansa is more Indian than you think.

Putting out their content in a lighter tone, this campaign puts significance on how Lufthansa reflects the Indian culture.

British Airways v/s Lufthansa

With similar motives in mind, both these campaigns wanted to put across their association with the country, wherein one took an emotional route and the other choose to be hilarious by pointing out how the world looks at India and its culture.

British Airways, after Fuelled by Love managed to engage their audience through a beautiful, meaningful script which was conceptualized by OgilvyOne Worldwide, Delhi whereas the other was more inclined on the entertainment factor, by poking the Indian-ness through their film.

As far as the digital engagement goes, British Airways received 5.5k views (at the time of filing the report), while Lufthansa garnered 753k views with 41k reactions since its release on March 24.

The major difference however, was that while Lufthansa's More Indian Than You Think, stood out distinctly across their social media handles. With a dedicated India page, the brand has supporting content that narrates volumes of their presence and activities in India.

British Airways on the other hand, has more Britain tourism oriented content, with much lesser stress on the India campaign. With a strong story line, the campaign could have worked wonders on social media.

While both the brands manage to churn out campaigns that fit with their brand ideology and tone, British Airways tends to lose footing on social media.

Social Media Campaigns British Airways campaign lufthansa campaign british airways social media british airways marketing airlines on social media British Airlines Fueled by love Social Media Case Study More Indian than you think lufthansa social media lufthansa marketing lufthansa airlines British Airways v/s Lufthansa airline campaigns social media