
Social Samosa to commemorate World Social Media Day with #SMLive

Social Samosa
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A day to recognize, commemorate and celebrate the bridge that foregoes political borders, and transcends the boundaries of communication and interaction! Rendering limitations obsolete by making communication between a President and an ordinary citizen possible. Social Media Day is celebrated on 30th June, to acknowledge the  power of social media.

Join us as we revere and celebrate the eighth edition of Social Media Day with #SMLive, on 30th June, this Friday. Social Samosa brings together speakers from all walks, and fields in the industry to gauge, discuss and foresee the limitless power, far reaching capabilities and revolutionary nature of social media that has changed our world forever.

The first edition of Social Media Day was observed on 30th June, 2010, by Mashable, one of the world’s leading online publications.

A few years ago, the terms, “Update my Facebook status.”, “Tweet it!” or “Instagram star” would have been met with a puzzling look, and diagnosis of mental illness, but not anymore. Today, social media is a staple, and is the virtual repository of information about you, your family, your neighbor and just about everyone else on the planet with access to a smartphone and an internet connection.

In our tireless endeavour to be the first and foremost to-go place for social media, Social Samosa invites you to participate and help us honour the medium that has made the world a smaller place, and the power to make the difference into our hands.

#SMLive will be a day long event with exciting sessions. #SMLive's Media Partner is exchange4media and Communication Partner is Treize Communications.

For more information, visit our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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