
3 of the best global Twitter advertising case studies

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Twitter advertising case studies

Social Samosa brings to you Twitter advertising case studies of brands across categories of ad campaigsn to gain more customers and increase engagements. 

With over 500 million Tweets being sent each day, hundreds of millions of people are exploring links, articles, trends, and moments to find out more about what’s new on Twitter. The platform allows businesses and brands to connect with this relevant, engaged audience with relevant targeting ad formats.

Twitter ads help people connect with their audience and get meaningful results. These ads are based on the business goals - creating brand awareness, gaining followers, promoting videos, garnering engagement, or website clicks and conversions.

Here are three Twitter advertising case studies of brands across categories of ad campaigsn to gain more customers and increase engagements. 


iCLOTHING wanted to be a larger part of the conversations about fashion, happening regularly on Twitter. They decided to run a tweet engagements campaign focused on two custom hashtags, with the goal of increasing interactions among both, their current followers and a wider Twitter user base. They wanted to target women living in Ireland and are interested in fashion.

The brand created two tweet engagement campaigns centered around the hashtags #iWant and #iWear. For #iWant, users were asked to Tweet a photo of a celebrity outfit, and iCLOTHING would respond to the Tweet with a matching outfit from their store. With #iWear, users were asked to share a photo of themselves in an outfit featuring iCLOTHING pieces. These hashtags kicked off colourful conversations and gave iCLOTHING great user-generated content they could then spotlight on Twitter.


iCLOTHING used tailored audiences to target Twitter users who had visited their website, made purchases, or added items to their online basket. This helped iCLOTHING reach the most relevant audiences at a time when they were already primed to purchase. The campaign resulted in 25 percent peak engagement rate.


2. Pact Coffee

Pact Coffee wanted to grow their customer base by increasing awareness among a broader audience of interested consumers. They also wanted to use Twitter as a platform to interact with customers and exchange recommendations. To help them achieve their business goals they created a Tweet engagements campaign with Twitter Ads. Their objective was to target coffee enthusiasts in the UK.


To reach people likely to be interested in their content, such as food and coffee lovers, Pact Coffee identified influential accounts in these areas, such as @ocado (an online supermarket) and @guardianfood (an account for food lovers).

They then used follower targeting to promote their Tweets to people similar to the followers of these accounts. Pact Coffee segmented their campaigns, each targeting a unique group of usernames. This allowed them to create customized content and more easily track which audiences were responding best to their offers. The brand monitored their campaigns throughout the day. This allowed them to more quickly identify which types of targeting worked best so they could optimize their campaigns more effectively.

Pact Coffee achieved 5 million campaign impressions, 13X increase in retweets and 5 percent increase in peak engagement rate.


3. Poncho 8

Poncho8, one of London’s most successful burrito bars, regularly uses Twitter as a channel for providing the highest level of customer service. With their quick and friendly responses, Poncho8 has built a strong identity for the business.


For the opening of their new Paddington restaurant, Poncho8 needed to boost Tweet engagements to create awareness of the launch and bring customers through the doors. The Poncho8 team decided to run a Tweet engagements campaign with Twitter Ads.The aim of the campaign was to target business professionals and foodies in London.

To encourage people to share their content, Poncho8 created Promoted Tweets that had a fun, light, and quirky tone. They also promoted the launch event by highlighting their menu and special offers.

Poncho8 used Twitter to provide highly personal responses that engaged their customers.

The campaign resulted in 23 percent peak engagement rate on promoted tweets.


Twitter advertising has changed over the years, it is important to have a clear objective and work towards it with the designated options.

For more case studies click here.

Twitter Advertising Twitter Ads social media case studies twitter case studies Twitter advertising case studies PACT COFFEE iCLOTHING