
Vivel's Say it Right has good insight but fails to create impact: Experts

Sarmistha Neogy
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Say It Right

ITC's personal care brand Vivel in their latest digital campaign titled, Say It Right highlights that compliments specifically for women are often rooted in gender and stereotypes.

Despite their achievements, they continue to be seen as women first and not as someone who has achieved success due to their sheer hard work and persistent efforts.

The though of the present campaign is in line with the brand's philosophy of Ab Samjhauta Nahin and it has collaborated with renowned satirist Kunal Kamra. The video aims to help encourage an environment where there are only genuine compliments free from any gender stereotyping for women.

Sharing the brand's thoughts. Sameer Satpathy, Chief Executive, Personal Care Products Business, ITC Limited. “Compliments and appreciation are powerful motivators. But we need to ‘Say It Right’. This creates a collaborative environment which fosters gender equality at the workplace. This video from Vivel’s #AbSamjhautaNahin campaign is thought provoking and provides perspective on how women would like to be complimented at work.”

Social Execution

In order to promote the campaign, the brand has gone ahead and tagged different women personalities across fields on their Twitter account and congratulated and complimented them for the work which they do.

In their previous posts, the brand  addressed important issues such as domestic violence or the laws around divorce.

Partnership with Bollywood movies

Vivel has partnered with movies like Secret SuperStar which has taken ahead the core thought of #AbSamjhauthaNahi

Expert view:

We spoke to Praveen Raj from Digital Street and Amyn Ghadiali from Gozoop to get their views on the video and find out if it stood out in terms of recall.

publive-imagePraveen Raj, Senior Creative Director, Digital Street said, "The subject is topical and resonates well with today's generation. But I feel it would have been sharper if it had only Rohini Salian (the Indian prosecutor who has handled several cases Borivali double murders, diamond merchant and film financier Bharat Shah’s case and the J J shootout case) in it. The campaign would have more impact with a series of films, each focussing on individual stories like hers. In the current format, it's a simple but emphatic no. I think the clients should have taken their own advice and said 'no compromises' when it comes to budgets and gone with a series of films instead. Plus the platform of 'no more compromises' (#AbSamjautaNahin) is getting lost - in my opinion, #AbSamjautaNahin is targeted at women, while this video is addressing men."

publive-imageEchoing similar views, Amyn Ghadiali, Group Director - Brand Communications, Gozoop cites, "A good idea and insight got lost when it came to execution. The opening slides has poor typography and the treatment is so dull when the brand is trying to talk about a topic that can be so meaningful to the lives it will touch. Ab Samjhauta Nahi. A great insight. Movement to be specific, goes down the drain when any brand tries to go to digital without understanding the nuances of the medium. The first 5 seconds being extremely crucial, which is clearly missed. The campaign has a lot of merit. The thought has the possibility to go places, but unfortunately the social landscape is not being used to deliver the same. Brand recall. Yes. Considering that it establishes the brand in the first 10 seconds, but it falls flat in terms of leaving an impact."

Previous campaigns:

While, Vivel has always touched upon important and sensitive issues like women empowerment, safety, domestic violence and others as part of the #AbSamjhautaNahi series, it needs to be more focused in terms of communication or the campaign stands a strong chance of getting lost in the clutter or cause based campaigns.

digital street Social Media Campaigns praveen raj vivel vivel digital campaigns Sameer Satpathy digital campaigns GoZoop ITC vivel social media Secret Superstar Say It Right vivel Say it Right Ab Samjhauta Nahi amyn ghadiali