
All Out's Stand by Tough Moms sheds light on parenting

Social Samosa
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Stand by Tough Moms

All Out launched a new brand campaign titled, Stand by Tough Moms intended to initiate national dialogue about the importance of families supporting mothers when making tough parenting decisions.

Stand by Tough Moms features a short film directed by acclaimed Bollywood filmmaker Shoojit Sircar. The provocative three-minute film features an extended family having dinner and being confronted with a situation which raises questions about parenting.

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The film is a part of a larger call-to-action by the brand called #StandByToughMoms that intends to raise awareness and encourage support of parents and the tough decisions they often need to make.

“My hope is that this campaign will help initiate conversations within families and encourage support for raising happy, healthy children,” said Ann Mukherjee, Global Chief Marketing Officer for SC Johnson.

The campaign will be complemented with a full 360-degree campaign starting with the #StandByToughMoms digital film, followed by on-ground activations and a robust print, digital campaign and television – including a national TV panel discussion. It will be the brand’s biggest campaign for 2018.

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Ann Mukherjee All Out brand campaign #standbytoughmoms Social media campaign spot Shoojit Sircar. SC Johnson campaign about #standbytoughmoms Social Network brand’s biggest campaign Bollywood filmmaker Bollywood