
Brands get topical with campaigns tackling the pressure of exams

It is one of the most crucial and nerve wracking times of the year for students all over the country, and over the years brands have taken notice, rolling out their respective Exam season campaigns.

Mohammad Kanchwala
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exam season campaigns

It is one of the most crucial and nerve wracking times of the year for students all over the country. Over the years brands have taken notice, rolling out their respective exam season campaigns.

These brand campaigns are solely focused towards acknowledging and addressing the plight of students who are under tremendous pressure to excel, urging parents to alleviate this stress and be a friend to their children. A brilliant opportunity to showcase their creativity coupled with a beautiful message, these were some of the Exam season campaigns rolled out this year.

Most brands that choose to roll out campaigns pivoted around the message of ‘taking it easy’ during the final phase of examinations.  including brands such as Bournvita, Cello, and Horlicks.

Also Read: Brands empathise with students, educate parents with contextual exam pressure campaigns

These were some of the Exam season campaigns spotted by Social Samosa that made the case for parents to go easy on their children, and letting the children know that it is okay to take things easy.

Cello - Surprise Test

Lenovo - Gift Them Dreams

Mirinda - Release The Pressure

Horlicks - Fearless Kota



Linc Pen

If you have come across any other exam season campaign from 2018 that needs to be added to this list, let us know in the comments below or write to us on

Youtube Social Media Campaigns Facebook social media exam campaigns social media exam ads mirinda release the pressure horlicks fearless kota fortis digital campaigns exam season campaigns Social media exam message exam campaigns exam ads cello surprise test bournvita sale Social Horlicks