
Instagram Feed to get some changes!

Mrinil Mathur
New Update
Instagram Feed

Ever since there is a change in the algorithm for Instagram Feed, that a user will see posts from the accounts they engage frequently, we have been eagerly waiting for an update to undo this.

Influencers and Creators faced the most brunt, since this update resulted in a dip in their daily engaged users. Needless to say, we wished we had more control over our Instagram Feed, every time it automatically got refreshed and the picture vanishes from the screen.

According to the latest blog post by Instagram, it looks like the platform finally heard the request and taking the criticism into account. It has now decided to tweak how the Instagram Feed looks like.

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It announced that they are testing a “New Posts” button that lets user choose when he want to refresh, rather than it happening automatically. Once you tap the button, it will take you to the new post on the top of the feed.

“With these changes, your feed will feel more fresh, and you won’t miss the moments you care about,” the company said.

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This Facebook owned platform is also making a change to ensure that the newer posts are more likely to appear first in feed. It is not a return of the chronological Instagram Feed we all wanted, but gives an assurance that the company is keeping users’ want into account.

The company also announced that there are a couple of tweaks that will see the light in next few months that will make Instagram Browsing enjoyable and easy to connect with the people and interests.

Social Media Platform instagram feed Social media Instagram New Posts button