Using Instagram Stories for business can be a huge plus; from filters to superzoom, boomerang, and stickers see how to leverage them.
Instagram Stories are fun for individuals and businesses alike, especially when you are a socially-active brand. From filters to superzoom, boomerang, and stickers, Instagram Stories are a reliable way to connect with your audiences on the go.
Here are a few ideas:
- Keep a close eye on what Instagram Stories are created by your competitors. If you find yourself skipping them, chances are high that their customers would be skipping too. This is something that you should avoid.
- Make the best use of filters, stickers, emojis and other attractive props, just to catch the eyes of your users and to portray your fun yet professional personality.
- Time your stories properly for the best results, ideally between 11am and 1pm during lunchtime and between 7pm and 9pm at night.
- Do not shy away from doing live videos. Give a sneak peak of the team behind the scenes, or of the great lunch your team is having or when you are at an exclusive event.
- Keep a sharp eye on your story analytics and determine which stories are performing best.
For more on using Instagram Stories for business, check out the infographic given below.