
Campaign Face Off: Cello Pens' #ThankYouTeacher v/s Linc Pens' A Teacher's Day Film

Sneha Yadav
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Teacher's Day Campaigns

Cello Pens and Linc Pens weave their ideas for Teacher's Day Campaigns - Social Samosa takes a look at which campaign stands out.

Within and beyond every classroom wall there exists a personality who weaves those words in our lives to make it more meaningful. Dedicating a day for them would be a much less gratification but we all celebrate September 5 as ‘Teacher’s Day’ to honour those who brought a positive change in our lives. Two of the stationery brands- Cello and Linc- crafted Teacher’s Day campaigns with their respective ideas paying tribute to all the teachers out there.

Cello Pens

Our teachers have done a lot for us. From teaching us how to speak English, to helping us learn complicated theories across various subjects. Have you ever looked back and thanked them? - Formed the idea for Cello to come up with a Teacher’s Day campaign, a vox pop campaign, where the brand got various people from different walks of life to talk about their fondest memories and favourite teachers.

Linc Pens

Teacher’s Day usually sees students celebrating the teachers in their lives for their constant and selfless efforts. Linc decided to celebrate Teacher’s Day with an emotional touch by identifying the “Life’s Best Teachers” who propelled you towards betterment.

The Objective of the campaign was to acknowledge and remember those people who have made you a better person in life.

The video highlights - a 12th standard student ruminating those people who taught him essential lessons at different facets of life. The digital film beautifully portrays how important it is to express gratitude. Essential learnings can come from even the lower rungs of the social ladder, is another beautiful take-away from the film.

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Social Media Chatter

On YouTube, the video has clocked more than 50k views e and 24k views on Facebook with more than hundred shares. 

However there is no activity to be seen on the brand's Instagram and Twitter handles.

Meanwhile Cello Pens #ThankYouTeacher video on Facebook has garnered 400k views, 4.8k reactions and more than 600 shares with only 65 views on YouTube. Like LincPens, there was null activity to be gauged on Twitter and Instagram.

Cello released the video on 4th September whereas there is no other communication on their Facebook page the following day, which was in fact, Teacher's Day!

While the brands have done their work, we get to the digital experts explaining us which campaign stood the test of time and why?

Experts review:

tufaylTufayl Merchant, Business Head and Co-founder

Cello Pens Campaign is fun, quirky and youthful. It exactly echoes the sentiments of today's students and their relationship with their teachers. It's always great when viewers get to see young individuals talk about that relationship because it reminds them of those sweet memories. On the other hand the Linc Pens - Dull, Boring and Uninspiring - These kind of ads/films/videos have been done to death honestly.

Navin Chawla – Creative Director, Copy, L&K Saatchi & Saatchi

We all have a story about a teacher from school or college. That makes the Cello campaign quite relatable. But not all of life’s teachers are found in classrooms. And it’s this insight that makes the Linc campaign the winner for me. That there’s a lot one can learn from those around us, be it our family or the help, is a great message to give for a brand that’s talking to school kids. About the execution, I feel shaving some seconds off could have made it a more engaging watch. The subtle suggestion at the end of gifting Linc pens to all the teachers in our lives was a nice touch”

AnantAnant Medepalli, National Creative Director - Makani Creatives Pvt. Ltd

Yes, we all have colourful memories of our teachers and life at school. Cello Pens idea takes us on a trip down memory lane. And while the vox pop triggers nostalgia and may bring a smile to your face, it doesn't  manage to go much beyond that. With something like Teacher's Day and all the emotional aura it carries, the campaign could have been more evocative. Linc Pen's film is a definite creative leap from the run-of-the mill Teacher's Day communication. A teacher is not just someone you find at school. As you grow up, you get life's valuable lessons from many people around you. The film brings alive this idea in a beautiful manner and with a strong emotional undertone. It lends a deeper meaning to the concept of Teacher's Day. And urges us to be grateful to all our 'life's best teachers'.

Also Read: Teacher’s Day campaigns will make you relive your best memories

mitchelleMitchelle Carvalho, CEO, CogMat

Cello's Voxpop format is funny and light taking all of us back in time reminiscing the different quirks our teachers had, the things they said, how each one of us were as students and what we eventually learnt from our teachers. They could have done more with the content in their video... like someone in the comments section rightly points out, there were missed opportunities like "You guys really forgot is this a class or a fish market!" which brings about an instant giggle from all of us. The comments are relevant and one sees plenty of opportunity to start conversations and engage with fans, perhaps make some memes and illustrations out of the quotes received real-time that would make this campaign truly conversational.

Moving on to Linc Pens.

Though the video is 2.27 mins long, its one of the better long format videos I have seen. It doesn't make me skip, I know what the narrator is going to arrive at but I still want to watch it till the end. Purpose of the video, served well! Judging by the comments, the video seems to have struck a chord with the audience as they resonate with the message. But, like the former, Linc Pens hasn't done much to leverage their video beyond that. Simple polls or asking fans to post their own stories of people who taught them valuable lessons in life could've kept this conversation going just beyond a single post and a beautiful video.

Both brand managers and agencies in this equation, have worked very hard to conceptualize strong video ideas for Teacher's Day and have successfully delivered on that front however bringing the conversation to a full circle, which is paramount in social media campaigns, leaves much to be desired by either.

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