
Ad world bets big on the ‘Power of Music’ by creating original albums!

Sneha Yadav
New Update
power of music in campaigns

For ages we have grooved to the tunes of Bollywood music. While some get etched in our hearts, a few fail to abstract any sense. The advertising world is no new to this and has, time and again, tested the power of music and soundtracks in their campaigns as well to bring out the essence rightly.

Be it Pepsi’s ‘Ye Dil maange More’ or Airtel’s ‘Har Ek Friend Zaruri Hota Hai’ or Hero Moto Corp’s ‘Humme Hai Hero’, the jingles and their lyrics still make us recall the ads and take us for a nostalgic ride.

In recent times brands have gone a step ahead and have started churning out original music pieces collaborating with the creative experts. It’s no longer an ad supported by a jingle in the background, today’s marketer seeks to cut through the competition by weaving a hard hitting or a soft, heart-warming tune or a song that matches the visuals aptly and strikes a right chord with the audiences and if combined with right advertisement can inspire them to buy the product.

A Nielsen study looked at effectiveness of more than 600 television advertisements, more than 500 of which included music.

The research indicated that commercials with some form of music performed better across four key metrics—creativity, empathy, emotive power, and information power—than those that didn’t.

Also Read: When the rap fervor took the ad world by storm…

While including a popular song or a popular artist’s work in an ad is one aspect, creating a whole new number of own is what attracts advertisers. It all started when Coke and MTV partnered to come up Unplugged and now we can see many brands with the likes of Redbull, Bacardi, Samsung Bixby joining the bandwagon.

We list down a few popular ones for you:

Bacardi House Party Sessions

Raah E Fakira supported by Red Bull


Samsung Bixby

Ranveer Ching Chinese

Aegon Life Insurance

Vodafone Zoozoos

Red Label Six Pack Band


Subway India

Ola #PeekeMatChala

Airtel's Har Ek Friend Zaruri Hota Hai

TrulyMadly Creep Qawwali


Airtel Missing Stars of Pujo


Nike Da Da Ding

Songs Songs in advertising Songs in ad world power of music in campaigns Music in advertising Power of music in ads Power od songs in ad campaigns Ads Ad songs Songvertising