
#TheirDayIsTheirs: Axis Bank's clutter breaking message amidst the #DeepVeer wedding chatter

Social Samosa
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New Update
Axis Bank

When Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh announced their wedding, our hearts couldn’t have fluttered faster. Oh, the butterflies we felt in our stomach! As fans, we’re so happy and we pine for every single detail and update, so much that we tend to forget that at end of the day, Deepika - Ranveer too just are an ordinary couple in love and deserve the same amount of privacy.

As fans, our ache to become a part of their happy occasion leads to an invasion of privacy – the one thing our favourite couple indeed craves for.

Reiterating this, Axis Bank celebrates the wedding of their ambassador, Deepika Padukone, with a crucial message. As opposed to the clichéd congratulatory messages, Axis Bank took a creative route by urging fans and followers to grant the couple privacy with #TheirDayIsTheirs.

Also Read: Axis Bank’s latest campaign on the role reversal of parents and their kids is heartwarming

The video with the hashtag #TheirDayIsTheirs, shows glamorous and talented Deepika, gracefully occupying the screen. Padukone is happy and joyful for the biggest event of her life, as the brand shares the message of respect, and privacy.

In a clustered environment, where brands tend to take the tried and tested route, Axis Bank’s attempt with #TheirDayIsTheirs comes across as fresh and creative. The brand weaves in an imperative thought with eye-catching visuals in a snackable video, keeping viewers glued to the screen.

invasion of privacy invasion Wedding ranveer singh Deepika Padukone Singh screen Ranveer Padukone occasion Environment Deepika - Ranveer deepika Axis #TheirDayIsTheirs Axis Bank privacy Video fans visuals bank