
Swiggy delivers social media lessons, flavoured with tasty trends and crunchy copies

Khushboo Shah
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Swiggy social media strategy

With stiff competition from competing food-tech apps, the Swiggy Social Media Strategy has been raking eyeballs to create brand re-call.

Swiggy is an online food delivery portals, started by three friends who have now churned the business into a billion dollar company. 

With cut-neck competition that innovates their strategies to engage customers, Swiggy too has picked up the pace. It aims to grab social media attention and set their strategy apart with chucklesome content and quick replies on Twitter.

Swiggy has started focusing on their content strategy with a new approach, filled with humor, subtle wit and higher customer interaction.

6 lessons to learn from the Swiggy Social Media Strategy. 

1.) Stream with the memes

Memes have become the millennial language and Swiggy has started speaking the same. Memes go viral in a matter of minutes and to achieve customer interaction on Social Media, Swiggy hooks onto these trending memes and spices up with their own flavors. From the really really really meme to Ariana Grande’s hit song Thank u, next they have relinquished their own versions of these viral memes.

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We really really want to know ?

A post shared by Swiggy (@swiggyindia) on

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Is too much of a good thing a good thing? ?

A post shared by Swiggy (@swiggyindia) on

 2.) Trails of Topicals

Amul has truly led the way when it comes to topicals. Swiggy too has picked up on this strategy. Swiggy makes striking graphics with the topics that are relevant in India. Cricket news to political upheaval they embrace these into their social media posts.

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A sweet victory for love! ? #Section377 #LoveIsLove

A post shared by Swiggy (@swiggyindia) on

3.) Fascinating feed

Social media feed is all about aesthetics. Swiggy has taken the initiative for designing a feed that appeals to one and all. With mouth-watering food placed in alluring backgrounds, they have taken an initiative to maintain a vibrant feed. Their platforms on social media are filled with pictures of meals which qualify for a millennial's #Instafood, a popularly used hashtag by the youth on  Instagram.

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What sin looks like this evening.

A post shared by Swiggy (@swiggyindia) on

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It's okay to skip lunch but not dessert ;)

A post shared by Swiggy (@swiggyindia) on

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Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao dosa!

A post shared by Swiggy (@swiggyindia) on

 4.)  KISS - Keep it simple silly

Swiggy’s social media posts are filled with humor and wit that strikes with one and all. Swiggy often posts humor in form of graphics and have captions that increase shareability on digital platforms. The posts are light-hearted and simple to understand. From food puns in captions to using food for their graphics, Swiggy keeps it simply fun.

Also read: Case Study: How Wadhwa Wise City used social media to generate leads

5.) Quiz it up

On Twitter, Swiggy holds weekly two quizzes. The rules to be followed are to follow Swiggy and retweet their tweets. They have a specific hashtag for their quizzes - #SwiggyTuesday & #LightningFastQuiz. This helps the brand to expand its reach and also creates a constantly flowing activity on the page. 

6.)  Heart-touching campaigns 

Swiggy won many hearts when they introduced their “what’s in a name campaign”, a video was made on how the delivery executives need to be treated with respect and to be addressed by their name and not called "Swiggy". Another campaign that created buzz was ‘Swiggy Karo’ where they projected normal day scenarios in Indian households and how one should rather order from Swiggy. Their #safetyfirst campaign during monsoon had also helped them garner quite the interactions with 16,000 views on Instagram. 


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Take care, dear Delivery Partner! ❤️ #SafetyFirst

A post shared by Swiggy (@swiggyindia) on

Along with their social media strategy that has been hitting the right chords they have also take initiative to retweet tweets that praise their delivery on Twitter. 

With their savory copies and heart-melting campaigns, drizzled with humor and blended with right spices, Swiggy Social Media Strategy serves as a tasteful example for brands on Social media strategies.

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