
Twitter now lets you add up to three guests in a Live Stream

Paawan Sunam
Updated On
New Update
Periscope update

Twitter has now added a feature in the streaming app, Periscope, to let users include up to three guests excluding the host and add new ones if any opt out.

Twitter acquired Periscope, a live video streaming app in 2015 and the app has since been powering Twitter with the ability to watch both live and formerly broadcasted mobile video streams.

Also Read: Twitter may launch an option to edit a tweet

The platform had added a feature to go live from within the main mobile app in 2016 which was a shift from the previous option, the Periscope button that redirecting the user to the app.

Meanwhile after Instagram and other Facebook's other services duplicated Stories and launched it on their platforms. Instagram Live was preferred more over Twitter's Periscope by users as it never took off.

Twitter previously improved Live Streams by making it appear right on top of the timeline and making Live Streams easy to access. The feature would include live videos posted by publishing houses, celebrities, sports channels and the accounts followed.

Live videos provide real-time experience to the people watching it and the people sharing it. Artists, musicians, entertainment figures and news channels would benefit from this feature.

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