
Authenticity is the key to influence: The Snazzy Mom, Arushi Garg

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Snazzy Mom

Sharing all things she loves - fashion, photography, sports, board games, baking, and motherhood, The Snazzy Mom a.k.a Arushi Garg is here to share the secrets behind her blog.

Her blog features hacks and skills like tips and tricks on flying with babies and toddlers, accounts of getaways like her trip to Martha's Vineyard, and many more interesting stories. In conversation with Social Samosa, she shares the process of creating content that goes up on her blog, a day in her life, and more.

"Authenticity is key to influence. You need to be relatable and not extra ordinary. Making a connection with your audience is key to your success."

Looking back, where did it all begin?

I never planned on being an influencer or blogger. One day during my maternity leave, when my son was only 2 months old, I opened my laptop and told my mom and husband, I am just sitting idle while the baby sleeps for almost the entire day, so I am going to document this amazing journey and use this phase to share my experience as a first time mom with the world. I wanted my son to grow up to see all these pictures and anecdotes we have of him and cherish these memories the same way we did. Within 24 hours my blog was born in 2016. I am glad to have created a space for my story in last 2 years.

What's in the name?

I wanted a blog name that represents what is the backstory (motherhood) and some character that is close to my personality type. Snazzy ended up being the perfect fit. I couldn’t believe I found the domain name!

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

My blog and my Instagram is a reflection of my personality. It’s a space where I share my creativity and personal story with my readers and followers. Being an immigrant mom, settled in the States, far from family and a strong support system, I share how a mother can still do it all, work full time, travel solo, maintain a healthy lifestyle while living life at the fullest. I don’t try to preach here but use this platform to motivate other moms, moms to be or young women, that one can still strive to be that girl who she was before being a mom. And that finding a balance is not impossible we just need to keep working towards it. I believe my story strikes the cord with several multicultural moms across the globe and especially NRI moms.

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Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?

My content is an honest representation of my life and journey to being a mum of feisty toddler. I have strategically kept it multidimensional from motherhood, lifestyle, fitness ,travel. So I write and share my day to day life without any EXTRA! All my pictures are taken by iphone 8s by my husband. I love to capture candid and effortless snippets with bright backdrops. I mostly create content during weekends when we are always outdoors eating or doing activities. And have found a good work flow ever since.

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

I am very selective of the brands I work with. Also with my full time job and business trips, I have very limited time to create content for Instagram or blog. I ensure the brands I work with are truly a fit for my own brand and lifestyle and give me flexibility in creating content in my voice. The objective is very clear, to use the brand for a few weeks and come with a clear and honest review and messaging that my followers will relate to or benefit from. I like to limit brand collabs on my blog as that is very time consuming and so lean towards Instagram collaboration as I enjoy capturing moments.

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

Several actually, to keep it short and brief the messages and emails from my followers and readers of how a story or blog post helped them keep me motivated to continue investing my time into content creation without worrying about the money I make. I have realized the importance of social media influence is more about making meaningful connections. On this journey, I have been able to make a tribe of like-minded individuals who are always there for me as I am there for them!

Also Read: Interview: It really pains to see how undervalued are content writers’ efforts in Indian market: MumbaiGloss, Parimita Chakravorty

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

Yet to read one . I work in marketing and honesty in my 8 years of career I am yet to see one that will make me laugh. Although people can be very creative with their requests

If not blogging, you would be?

Well had I not picked blogging as my hobby 2 years back, I would have definitely invested my time into being a kick boxing instructor. ( still contemplating) Now I devote my free time and energies to blogging as it is gratifying in many ways.

A day in your life....

No day is the same! Yet I will say, I wake up with the energy to accomplish as much possible in 24 hours.

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

Don’t follow or mimic anyone’s story or approach. Believe in your unique self and share from your heart. Enjoy this process as much you can, and if you are serious to move up the ladder and make this your career. Work hard and learn the trade. Seek help, be curious and keep looking forward.

Your Favorite Influencer

So many! But I really like Carrie Colbert, she is a Houston based blogger who makes some amazing content but most of all I love her voice and personality behind it. I relate to it to a lot.

Also, I started following Angela from MommyDiary... when I started blogging, love her authenticity and honesty.

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

Honestly, I haven’t really laid my goals about it as I have a lot on my plate currently. My professional career is still central to me and of course my son. Having said that I am invested in my blog and will hopefully like to catapult this influence into a brand in the near future. Being a marketer I know it takes some time, preparation and groundwork and so in April, I have been invited to speak at the biggest Mom blogger conference Mom2.0 Summit in Austin, Texas. Will use this experience to learn and network and make a foundation for my Personal Brand.

mom blogger mom Blogger motherhood personal brand Content Influence Instagram blog lifestyle Fashion tricks Texas NRI mom bloggers list mom bloggers india houston Board Games baking Austin Brand Hacks Photography mom bloggers women skills tips sports