
LinkedIn Sales Navigator updates and more

Paawan Sunam
New Update
LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn has announced Elevate Alerts in LinkedIn Sales Navigator and introduced Audience Engagement Insights to LinkedIn Partner Program.

The unification of Elevate and Sales Navigator gives you the ability to share curated content directly on the sales platform. The feature brings Elevate content into the Sales Navigator homepage feed of alerts.

As more than a third of Elevate’s active community are also sales professionals and LinkedIn analysis shows that sales professionals who regularly share content are 45% more likely to exceed quota; the new feature seems to be an ideal tool for building goodwill while sharing educative content, in the course also benefiting from it.


Key Benefits

Connecting Ecosystems

Elevate Alerts connects two of LinkedIn's weighty ecosystems - Elevate and Sales Navigator and also encourages cross-usage. The platform claims on average, 53% increase in monthly shares among Sales Navigator users was observed.

Aligning Sales & Marketing

The present span has taught us that traditional advertising is on the stage of being called a bygone, as more and more new-age consumers are attracted towards content marketing and more specifically educative content and not hard-selling.

Elevate Alerts encourages this strategy at an individual level and makes sellers appear as content advocates.

Also Read: LinkedIn introduces displaying services on Profile

Additionally, the platform has announced a new category to the LinkedIn Partner Program - Audience Engagement.

The LinkedIn Audience Engagement API helps you discover new audiences, better understand the types of content those audiences are engaging with and see how your content is performing against industry benchmarks.

Key Benefits

Audience discovery

The Audience Engagement API helps you discover audiences that highly engage with topics and articles related to your industry. You can also captivate the discovered with your marketing campaign.


Content recommendations

The tool can also help you build a content strategy as it offers insights like trending topics and content that your audiences are engaging with.


Industry benchmarking

This feature helps you better comprehend the kind of content your competitors are distributing and how their engagement holds up against yours. This can trigger the process of contemplating what are the areas that might need improvement to optimize your strategy.

sales professionals LinkedIn new updates LinkedIn Audience Engagement API LinkedIn audience engagement LinkedIn Audience LinkedIn analysis Key Benefits Industry benchmarking Elevate Alerts Ecosystems Content recommendations audience engagement Audience discovery discovery updates Content marketing Engagement audience API analysis linkedin new features strategy sales & marketing sales content strategy recommendations benefits LinkedIn LinkedIn Sales Navigator linkedin news sales navigator